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  1. Ok, now it´s clear about how the software is activated, thanks for that. I did get more confused though about what the answer is to my other question, when reading through the answers: "... However, it´s also telling me that there are updates pending. If I install these updates, will my version still be free and activated?"
  2. As you may know, the activation of some software is connected to the unique HD on which it´s installed. Also, I could be facing a mobo that dies on me, and if the new mobo is not with a similar chipset, there is a risk that I may need to reinstall Windows again. In such a case, 1000 backups will not help me. With the above in mind, I´m curious about if there´s still a way to retrieve my free activation, should I experience scenarios such as those described.
  3. Dear All, I realized that I no longer can open Cakewalk via the Bandlab app on Windows, which is already well known (I found out when googling it), it´s just not so often that I have Cakewalk open. Anyway, I found the place where the cakewalk exe is installed, ran it without issues and could see in the "About" information that my version is activated from Bandlab. However, it´s also telling me that there are updates pending. If I install these updates, will my version still be free and activated, and what if my HD dies one day and I need to install it again?
  4. Thanks, I will stick to Melodyne then which is much better at this. Was just thinking that the workflow would become easier with Ovox, not having to first go through Melodyne and make corrections, but that´s indeed preferable over the nearly useless pitch to midi out results I´m getting with Ovox. Anyway, for it´s Eifel 65/Daft Punk/Dr Dre-ish things, I guess it´s cool, just not really what I needed. Who knows, perhaps Waves will look into getting things working better in a future update.
  5. Thank you! Got it working. Not impressed by its pitch detection though. I feel like I´ve tweaked the params alot, but what comes out just ain´t the tones I´m singing. Anybody with more luck and some tips and tricks? Perhaps throwing some autotune plugin before it that´s better at getting the pitch right?
  6. Did anyone here figure out how to get cakewalk to record the midi output of ovox, when controlled from a microphone?
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