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  1. Thanks your reply, i'm testing this way to do it. I see i have to select each track in piano roll then select the articulations of this track, i can't select all articulations from the select tracks together. A better option for me is select the desire tracks and measures from track view and then go to piano roll and deselect the notes, then i can copy and paste the articulations to other part of the project.
  2. There is a way to selecting articulations from multiple tracks to copy a paste in other part of the project from piano roll view?
  3. Yes for me too, but when i load the project from the play list, this setting is disable
  4. Hi, I'm wondering why I can't find an answer to my question about the error when I load a project from the playlist and the loop that I made between several measures before saving the project is disable. I have hoped that with the latest updates it would be fixed, but that does not happen and there is no response from the developers. At least I would like to know if they have considered correcting this error. Thanks.
  5. What about loop disable when i load a project from the playlist saved previously with loop enable?
  6. Hi, the loop (yellow flags) still disable when i load a song from the playlist regards. Jordi
  7. Will be fantastic to fix when load a project from playlist, the loop function (yellow flags) still enable, now if i save a project with a loop, when i load from playlist it disable the yellow flags. Thanks.
  8. If so, the audio interface is about 6 years old, but Motu has drivers from December 2022. In Spain an audio interface is also called an audio card
  9. If it is difficult to understand from a company like Motu, It is appreciated the help you give and the time you spend to explain everything in such detail, I am sure that more people can use these explanations and they are welcome.
  10. Thanks your explanation, but i know how to record to an auxiliar track, i know how work the input monitoring, my one only question is about to get a low latency without dropouts when i insert autotune in a track an active the input monitoring because the singer wnat to listen her voice with the famous autotune Cher effect like all rapers and reggeton singers do it. I check windows audio settings in 3 different computer with 2 different Motu Ultralite Audio card, the same result: 16 bits depth. Motu support tell me today this is right. This is expected when using the WDM driver for this unit - you can't change the bit depth via Windows Sound Settings, unfortunately. In your DAW, however, this is possible if you're using the ASIO driver. the solution for me is to use the Presonus Usb 96, it work ok to get low latency without dropouts with autotune or other effects.
  11. Reply from Motu supoort: Thanks for connecting with us. This is expected when using the WDM driver for this unit - you can't change the bit depth via Windows Sound Settings, unfortunately. In your DAW, however, this is possible if you're using the ASIO driver. Best, Matt - MOTU
  12. It didn't really change, someone commented that the windows audio settings should match Cakewalk's even though they are different drivers, so that there are no latencies, that is: Sample rate and Bits depth, when I try to put the windows audio settings in 24 bits using my Motu Ultralite Mk3 Hybrid, to coincide with my projects in cakewalk, it only gave me the possibility to put 16 bits, this generated more conversations between users to find out why I couldn't.
  13. I use autotune in Cakewalk, but there are people talking about the rate and bit depth must be the same in Windows settings and Cakewalk
  14. Well finally, testing with my Presonus audio usb 96 i can record a track with autotune without dropouts, i can configure it in windows 24 bits depth mode, It seems works better then my Motu, i can down latency to 0,3 ms in Cakewalk. No problems with input monitoring. Maybe i will do a test changing bits depth in windows. But my question is: Why I can set my Motu in 24 bits depth in windows audio settings? any of 2 Motu Ultralite i use. Thanks to all people to reply and help me, i see there are many opinions about audio settings in windows,It would be nice to be able to unify them will be fine . Of course i know many of tips the people talk in this topic, It seemed like I was a newbie to cakewalk. This is not the case, I have been working with Cakewalk for many years without any problem, but I wanted to find out to what extent a voice could be recorded with Autotune in real time as rappers do and I had never tried this thoroughly. Thanks one more time all people to help me, I hope this forum will continue working after the next changesI hope this forum.
  15. This is my settings in Windows, I can't select 24 bits depth when i use my Motu, with Presonus Usb 96 and M-audio FW410 i don't have any problem, i Test in 2 laptops with other Motu ultralite in windows 10 and 11 is the same, In Audio settings of Windows only show 16 bits depth.
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