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Mark Leadbeater

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  1. Thanks for the replies. David, it appears that you are right. I have no idea how to turn off the MIDI echo within Opus but by setting the MIDI input of the MIDI track to All External Inputs, it successfully records the information from my keyboard and nanoKontrol without the bounce. Thanks a lot for your help. As far as cancelling the sub - I'm a teacher so get the whole lot for about £10 a month. It's amazing value at that price. And to be fair to their customer service, they did respond very quickly. I was told to beggar off within an hour of my query?.
  2. Thanks for the replies and sorry for the late response! I did not get any notifications that someone had replied so sorry to appear rude! I don't think that it is possible to do what I want - eg map the channel 8 R button on the nanoKontrol to 'Undo' for example. I am enjoying the sliders to control CC11 etc which is the main purpose - it's just that there are a lot of buttons sitting there with no purpose! Thanks again.
  3. Hi all, I've downloaded the new Opus with Composer Cloud subscription but have an issue with recording. Any recording on a track that is playing an Opus instrument is recording double notes - a second identical note immediately after the first - which has the effect of instantly stopping the original note played. It does this if the recording is on the original Opus track or on a MIDI track directed to it. Any other instrument is working fine and if I record on a MIDI track initially directed to another instrument and then redirect it to Opus, it works. It is purely when recording on an Opus instrument. The response from EastWest has basically been 'Cakewalk is not supported so you're on your own!'. Is anyone else having this issue or has ideas how to solve it? Thanks, Mark
  4. I have seen a YouTube video where someone has set up a nanoKontrol2 in another DAW so that each of the buttons is mapped to a specific function in the same way that you access the custom key bindings. For example, pressing one button sends a pulse on CC#80 (say) that the DAW then maps to Transpose +12. In CbB though, I can only find options to bind computer keyboard keys or MIDI notes, not CC#s, to those functions. I am, obviously, using the nanoKontrol in CC mode, not Mackie mode. Does anyone know if what I want to do is possible? Thanks in advance, Mark
  5. Thanks for your reply and for the welcome, tecknot. Yep! That's worked. I now have video. The workspaces dropdown (which I have never seen before) was set to Basic. Thanks a lot for your help. Mark
  6. Hi all, I've tried importing a video to score for the first time. The video thumbnails appear in the video track and the audio has loaded fine. I cannot get the video window to open though. The menu option is not greyed out but when clicked no tick appears and the window does not pop up as I would expect it to. The first file I tried was a .mov file and the documentation says to download Quicktime which I have done but there is no difference. I have also tried it with a .mp4 file and the same thing happens - thumbnails and audio but no video window. Hoping someone has an idea! Thanks for your help. Mark
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