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Everything posted by Scott Kendrick
Trying to replicate a mix I have in studio one where one send I apply stereo delay, then a slight detune with different values on left and right, then eq the combined channel. In studio one, I used the splitter and applied different pitch shift to the left and right. I don't think Cakewalk does this but maybe I"m wrong. Thinking about work arounds - I was going to try Waves Studio Rack (I guess it's now studo verse). Was hoping not to buy a plugin that has separate left and right detuning. Don't want to do two separate left and right sends/fx channels. Any other suggestions? Kiloheart multipass only does frequency bands as best I can tell, not left and right. It does look like Studio Verse will do this. thx
Cakewalk VS Studio One WORKFLOW ( Creative Sauce Video )
Scott Kendrick replied to Mark Morgon-Shaw's topic in Feedback Loop
I'm in the process of evaluating Studio One (also looking at Reaper) - and there's a lot I like, particularly the UI which is super clean and friendlier for adjusting views in single screen. I do think mixing will be faster and my layout/structure will be cleaner (really like folders as busses in both Reaper and S1). But like any switch, there are things I'm used to in Cakewalk. I'm finding there are just different ways to do a lot of it in S1. One thing on the multi instrument out Mike failed to mention - while S1 is super easy for mapping the output to busses in the console view, it does not create tracks in the track arranger, which is where I do most of my work in Cakewalk. It just simply isn't possible unless you explode the instrument to multiple midis (who wants to edit 12+ different midi tracks for drums), or you freeze to audio. So - I thought - "why do I need separate" tracks per instrument"? The main reason outside of liking to work in track view, is for automation envelopes. You can still do this in S1 by creating the envelopes for any specific inserts or parameters and then edit those separately in track view... just a different way of doing it. I'm certain more of my time would be spent with the mixer/console open in S1 vs. what I do in CW. I also don't see the ability to group specific controls - in my CW workflow, I do a lot of group of mutes with solos to toggle tracks. I found in S1 the "select" to solo is perhaps better than what I've been doing... it's a specific type of quick grouping, for something I use frequently. There are a lot of other quirky things that you just have to figure out --- like you can't solo FX channels unless you specifically enable the Listen bus for solo. Cakewalk is a fantastic, extremely flexible DAW... I would say underrated. But when it moves from free to "paid for", it will draw new comparisons. Where it falls in price point will determine what those comparisons are. -
great, thank you for clarifying. Was hoping there was an easy toggle like Studio One.
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Hi after years of using superior drummer with Cakewalk I"m finally using a drum map (not sure why I didn't before). Is there an easy, or any way to hide unused notes/instruments (?) in the piano roll view so I'm only looking at the drums in use? I searched around but couldn't find anything. Thanks! SK
Some Superior Drummer Instruments Not Playing Despite Proper Channel Routing
Scott Kendrick replied to Scott Kendrick's question in Q&A
fixed it... I had it mapped to the right synth, but it must have been confused... when I deleted a different synth that wasn't in use it reset a bunch of my inputs... so going back and rerouting again, it's coming to life. Sorry -
I have a weird issue that I can't make sense of - instruments are usually pretty straightforward... they output to certain channels which you use as input on your tracks and the sound comes through. The problem seems to be occuring when I have multiple instance of superior drummer in a project and then start deleting some. The short explanation is - I see in the SD3 mixer all the instruments are firing through the channels as they should be. Example overheads are are showing life in the SD3 mixer and they output to channel 15/16. Channel 15/16 from that instance of the synth inputs into my OH track, nothing muted, nothing solo'd... But I get no sound out of cakewalk. The snare and kick are find. Overheads, room, nothing. In one copy of my project I have it working but there are at least three other instances of SD3... I delete one particular instance and the tracks stop working. I undo that deletion - and the STILL don't work. As a work around I could just keep that folder muted and hide it, but trying to clean up stuff in my project now that I've got the drum sound I want. Would love any help troubleshooting from the smart people in the community - thank you!
ahh... that's the Advanced dialog I assume from the Export drop down. Looks like I can control it - I usually just go to the export dropdown and choose wav. Thanks - this should work for me.
Simple question, which I suppose I could test, but when you do an Audio Export - does it always come off of the Master bus? Asking because I've started sending my Master out to a Monitor Bus where I can add things like studio simulation, metering, etc, but I don't want any of that to effect the Master output. If for some reason CW outputs from the last bus in the chain, then I would use a Send to my Monitor Bus instead of routing the output. Hope that makes sense. Thanks
I probably can't reproduce it 100%, particularly in an empty project, but I have a project where's happening and I can't figure out what might be causing it. Anything to look at to troubleshoot?
I'm pretty sure this never used to work this way, and guessing it was a "new feature"... I right click on one track (without using the CTRL key), choose add to group and all of a sudden ALL of my tracks were added to that group, simply because they happened to be selected. But I can't remove from group that way, so I have to clear the group and start over. I suppose I will get used to deselecting tracks before doing so, but this never used to happen and I thought "CTRL key +" was the universal method of changing multiple tracks/busses at once.
I've seen this several times recently and wondering - is there something I'm doing wrong that I should check or is this a bug. I've been disabling sends, usually that are part of a gropu, and the audio still sends to the Aux tracks. I have to additionally mute those aux tracks which works for my workflow but if I had other tracks sending, that approach wouldn't work. Anyone else having issues with sends still passing through?
How do the Pros Route Tracks, Busses, Masters
Scott Kendrick replied to Scott Kendrick's topic in Production Techniques
@Lord Tim > I can't seem to find the PDF. Any idea where to find it, or possible to send? Thx -
How do the Pros Route Tracks, Busses, Masters
Scott Kendrick replied to Scott Kendrick's topic in Production Techniques
@Lord Tim > that demo project is amazing... sounds really good all with stock plugins, very clean. Thank you. -
How do the Pros Route Tracks, Busses, Masters
Scott Kendrick replied to Scott Kendrick's topic in Production Techniques
Thanks again - so much good stuff in here, I read through immediately. And I'll return more times. How I got to posting this... first off, my scenario is much simpler than most here. Right now just mixing for one band so things are kind of consistent, even though we record different genres, sometimes with some different arrangements, but usually the typical drums, bass, multiple guitar tracks, multiple vocals, harmonies, etc. Only on one occasion have I been asked for stems, so I haven't incorprated a need for that into my workflow just yet, but it does explain a lot in terms of why certain routing and templates are set up the way they are. I had a go to template, but I'm always looking to get better and started researching. The template for me, even as I branch out to other bands, genres, different arrangements -- it's about knowing certain things that work well, and sticking to them, or starting with them, and adjusting. Simple example - I like gated reverb on my snare, so it's all preset ready to go. I dynamic EQ my bass side-chained by the kick, so that's set up. Similar with certain delays, reverbs I like sitting in busses to receive sends. Again - my interest was not specifically for a more convenient mix managment, but rather, wondering if I'm getting the best sound by reverbing certain instruments together, compressing certain intstruments together etc. Templates are a good way to see how other people are doing it - I first found @fossile's shared template in another post and will definitely check out @Lord Tim's as well (and as mentioned, getting glimpses of how folks like Scheps, Korneff have things set). My template used to be Instrument tracks output to instrument busses Sometimes multiple busses - example combining guitars for the verse into a Guit-verse bus, for the chorus, Guit-chorus bus, both combine into a Guitar master I was outputing my drum room and drum overheads to a shared bus, then combing back with the rest of the drums Drums, Bass combine in a Rhythm bus Sends for reverbs, delays, parallel compression lived in busses < I used to use the same parallel compression bus for Bass and Drums, but then realized the bass was stomping on the drums - perhaps I could have contolled this with send level, but I just stopped doing it and drum parallel compression sounding way better Reverbs/delays were going to master Parallel compression for bass/drums were combining back into the Rhythm buss.. a bit of glue and EQ on that rhythm bus Vocals - I had a lead vocal bus and a backup vocal bus... lead and double to the lead bus, all the backups and harmonies to the back vocal bus, then combined into a vocal master... I was playing with where I should have my sends to delay, reverb, doubling, chorus - usually the backups/harms, I'd send the bus to those rather than the individual tracks, but with leads, I'd often just use the lead for sends and not the double At time of writing this original post I was only sometimes using Aux for sends for specific instruments - but after posting I realized you can also output to Aux tracks, which a few of you have pointed out here. I've started moving a lot more to aux tracks, as I am finding it convenient when the aux is isolated to a specific instrument or group (the muting scenario Lord Tim mentioned). But outputting to Aux trax will be a huge convenience as well with out impacting the sound... example - the multiple guitar tracks, drums, or the vocals combining first to AUX, then outputting to busses. I'll continue hunting for those best scenarios for combining or separating reverb and delay, or combining tracks for bus compression to get the best result. again - thanks, I'll go through these posts a couple more times, and grab that template! -
How do the Pros Route Tracks, Busses, Masters
Scott Kendrick replied to Scott Kendrick's topic in Production Techniques
Really appreciate all the detailed responses... just getting back to this now and going through all this helpful info. -
How do the Pros Route Tracks, Busses, Masters
Scott Kendrick replied to Scott Kendrick's topic in Production Techniques
Thanks for the replies - I probably inappropriately focused my post title on "Templates" - I've adjusted it to try to clarify more what I"m after which is best practices for routing tracks to busses, all the way through the master, like the bullet points I listed. Reiterating as an example - is it better to send different instruments to shared reverb busses or independent per instrument? Would a vocal and guitar ever share a delay or reverb bus? And after you send to a reverb, what should that reverb bus output to? Slightly different question - but for cakewalk, are there best practices for when you should send to a bus vs. send to an Aux track? -
Mixing & Recording Template
Scott Kendrick replied to Glenn Stanton's topic in Instruments & Effects
Thanks for your original and this template update. I was playing with your original last night making some adjustments for my tastes. I've had some general questions around routing approaches, and posted a separate thread here. Would love your thoughts on these. -
How do the Pros Route Tracks, Busses, Masters
Scott Kendrick posted a topic in Production Techniques
Been digging around into different approaches from people like Scheps, CLA, Korneff for how they are routing tracks, sends/returns, busses etc and curious what other people have found works best (I know there's not right answer, personal preference, how does it sound, etc). For context - I'm more interest in what produces the best sounding mixes (e.g. space for everything, gluing for cohesion, big mixes) than what provides convience (e.g. a single fader vs. multiple to achive something), and my genre is primarily rock (classic rock, hard rock, some punk). High level I have tracks, going to instrument/group busses, which then combine into instruments and vocals, then to master. Some approaches I've found and have questions about... Drums and bass combine into a Rhythm Bus so they can be glued together (which then goes to all instruments bus) Or Kick and Bass to a Low End Bus so low end can be controlled, Low End Bus goes straight to master Parallel processing aux/busses combine into a Paralle Master which is sent directly master (e.g. Korneff sends parallel drum compression and guitar widening to this) Or parallel processing combined back with the instrument tracks (such as Drum parallel compressor back to the Drum Master Bus) Reverb / Delay sends, returns, etc < seems to be lots of different approaches and where I'm most confused on what sounds best Use a handful of reverb rooms that different instruments are sent to, so they share space (creates glue) More often I see vox, guitars, drums, each having their own independent set of verbs Sometimes verb/delay sent to the master, other times returned back to that instruments main bus (e.g. Drum Master), other times instrument verb/delay sent to "all instruments bus" and vocal verbs/delay to all Vox bus Other times I've seen a completely separate FX bus where all verb delay combined, which goes to Master (similar to the parallel mention above) Hope this makes sense - would love to hear what tips you have gleaned from the pros on routing, mix templating, that work best for you. -
Mixing & Recording Template
Scott Kendrick replied to Glenn Stanton's topic in Instruments & Effects
@Teegarden This link doesn't seem to work - any chance you can repost? Interested in seeing how others route busses and sends. Thanks! -
while I have used a bluetooth headset - this is wired connection for both monitors and cans directly to my audio interface. @Kevin Perry - I have a feeling it is one plugin because it just appeared on this project. Do you think if I just disable the FX, it should fix it for all (as a way of testing, instead of removing the plugin entirely)? I'll start doing some testing - and think about the new plugins I've added - some Izotope, melodyne, come to mind.
your recommended workflow is very logical - I just happened to buy RX 10 after the project had started, but in the future it will be my first step in the process. Suprised that even without a built in feature for replacing the file - I couldn't just copy it over. It must be storing something in the project file (?). Your work around makes sense.
I have an audio file on a track cut into multiple clips. I went back to the source file so I could use Izotope RX 10 to clean some pick noises and scrapes. I thought I could use the same name and drop that audio file into the Audio folder for the project (renaming the original file "backup"). Tried this and cakewalk loaded a blank file (no audio in it). Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do? Copy a new file over the currently used audio file in the project and have cakewalk use that file? OR, take a file in a project and point it at a different file? Thanks.