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Scott Kendrick

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  1. Trying to replicate a mix I have in studio one where one send I apply stereo delay, then a slight detune with different values on left and right, then eq the combined channel. In studio one, I used the splitter and applied different pitch shift to the left and right. I don't think Cakewalk does this but maybe I"m wrong. Thinking about work arounds - I was going to try Waves Studio Rack (I guess it's now studo verse). Was hoping not to buy a plugin that has separate left and right detuning. Don't want to do two separate left and right sends/fx channels. Any other suggestions? Kiloheart multipass only does frequency bands as best I can tell, not left and right. It does look like Studio Verse will do this. thx
  2. I'm in the process of evaluating Studio One (also looking at Reaper) - and there's a lot I like, particularly the UI which is super clean and friendlier for adjusting views in single screen. I do think mixing will be faster and my layout/structure will be cleaner (really like folders as busses in both Reaper and S1). But like any switch, there are things I'm used to in Cakewalk. I'm finding there are just different ways to do a lot of it in S1. One thing on the multi instrument out Mike failed to mention - while S1 is super easy for mapping the output to busses in the console view, it does not create tracks in the track arranger, which is where I do most of my work in Cakewalk. It just simply isn't possible unless you explode the instrument to multiple midis (who wants to edit 12+ different midi tracks for drums), or you freeze to audio. So - I thought - "why do I need separate" tracks per instrument"? The main reason outside of liking to work in track view, is for automation envelopes. You can still do this in S1 by creating the envelopes for any specific inserts or parameters and then edit those separately in track view... just a different way of doing it. I'm certain more of my time would be spent with the mixer/console open in S1 vs. what I do in CW. I also don't see the ability to group specific controls - in my CW workflow, I do a lot of group of mutes with solos to toggle tracks. I found in S1 the "select" to solo is perhaps better than what I've been doing... it's a specific type of quick grouping, for something I use frequently. There are a lot of other quirky things that you just have to figure out --- like you can't solo FX channels unless you specifically enable the Listen bus for solo. Cakewalk is a fantastic, extremely flexible DAW... I would say underrated. But when it moves from free to "paid for", it will draw new comparisons. Where it falls in price point will determine what those comparisons are.
  3. great, thank you for clarifying. Was hoping there was an easy toggle like Studio One.
  4. Hi after years of using superior drummer with Cakewalk I"m finally using a drum map (not sure why I didn't before). Is there an easy, or any way to hide unused notes/instruments (?) in the piano roll view so I'm only looking at the drums in use? I searched around but couldn't find anything. Thanks! SK
  5. fixed it... I had it mapped to the right synth, but it must have been confused... when I deleted a different synth that wasn't in use it reset a bunch of my inputs... so going back and rerouting again, it's coming to life. Sorry
  6. I have a weird issue that I can't make sense of - instruments are usually pretty straightforward... they output to certain channels which you use as input on your tracks and the sound comes through. The problem seems to be occuring when I have multiple instance of superior drummer in a project and then start deleting some. The short explanation is - I see in the SD3 mixer all the instruments are firing through the channels as they should be. Example overheads are are showing life in the SD3 mixer and they output to channel 15/16. Channel 15/16 from that instance of the synth inputs into my OH track, nothing muted, nothing solo'd... But I get no sound out of cakewalk. The snare and kick are find. Overheads, room, nothing. In one copy of my project I have it working but there are at least three other instances of SD3... I delete one particular instance and the tracks stop working. I undo that deletion - and the STILL don't work. As a work around I could just keep that folder muted and hide it, but trying to clean up stuff in my project now that I've got the drum sound I want. Would love any help troubleshooting from the smart people in the community - thank you!
  7. ahh... that's the Advanced dialog I assume from the Export drop down. Looks like I can control it - I usually just go to the export dropdown and choose wav. Thanks - this should work for me.
  8. Simple question, which I suppose I could test, but when you do an Audio Export - does it always come off of the Master bus? Asking because I've started sending my Master out to a Monitor Bus where I can add things like studio simulation, metering, etc, but I don't want any of that to effect the Master output. If for some reason CW outputs from the last bus in the chain, then I would use a Send to my Monitor Bus instead of routing the output. Hope that makes sense. Thanks
  9. I probably can't reproduce it 100%, particularly in an empty project, but I have a project where's happening and I can't figure out what might be causing it. Anything to look at to troubleshoot?
  10. weird... seems like it just started happening where I'm constantly unintentionally grouping everything. Guess it's always been that way.
  11. I'm pretty sure this never used to work this way, and guessing it was a "new feature"... I right click on one track (without using the CTRL key), choose add to group and all of a sudden ALL of my tracks were added to that group, simply because they happened to be selected. But I can't remove from group that way, so I have to clear the group and start over. I suppose I will get used to deselecting tracks before doing so, but this never used to happen and I thought "CTRL key +" was the universal method of changing multiple tracks/busses at once.
  12. I've seen this several times recently and wondering - is there something I'm doing wrong that I should check or is this a bug. I've been disabling sends, usually that are part of a gropu, and the audio still sends to the Aux tracks. I have to additionally mute those aux tracks which works for my workflow but if I had other tracks sending, that approach wouldn't work. Anyone else having issues with sends still passing through?
  13. @Lord Tim > I can't seem to find the PDF. Any idea where to find it, or possible to send? Thx
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