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Everything posted by mrneil2

  1. Would this help you? Had a similar issue and this worked for me Just did step 10 from this procedure. which provided a link to an exe. Clean Install Cakewalk by BandLab August 22, 2024 21:34 https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab
  2. OK I solved it: Looked at other dicussions having the same problem. Was too scared to mess with Regisrty and such. Could not MODIFY the Visual C++ on my computer only option was uninstall (Not doing that) Just did step 10 from this procedure. which provided a link to an exe. Clean Install Cakewalk by BandLab August 22, 2024 21:34 https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab
  3. By no means am I a computer whiz. Have been using Cakewalk since Home Studio dyas. Here's my issue: Have Cakewalk by Bandlab as a shortcut on Homescreen. Click onit/ Run as Administrator (Like I always do) Get the "Do You want this app to make changes" hit Yes (Like I always do) Get the Blackbox and Bandlab logo for like 3 seconda and then nothing. Internet connection is good. Cleared cahe and browser hsitory. Any suggestions or did I miss aomething?
  4. Already have it so why are they offering it to me free or at all? would be nice to get to choose something comparably priced but I didn’t have. Can’t they tell that?
  5. I have sonarworks Reference 3 headphone only. I would have to upgrade to the Sound ID Reference to take advantage of this right? Is there a big difference between the Reference3 and the Sound ID Reference for headphones to make it worth while? I’m using Sony MDR 7506 if that matters
  6. Can you tell us how it was solved? I find that helps others who later stumble upon a thread like this with similar issues
  7. Thanks so much. Never had to do that before huh.
  8. I Insert Audio FX. it apperars in the fx esction of the channel strip but is a faded color (not the bright orange as previous inserts). The gui for the fx will open but any chanegs on the gui is non-responsive. Doesn't matter which company (Waves, UAD, Cakewalk....) This is on a prohject with other fx's that are working fine. I have even tried inserting those working fx's but now the new ones are a faded colro and not working. See the j37mono and Ca-2a (on channel 5) are faded when compared to the UADX 1176 and others Sorry for the bad picture quality. Any suggestions or ideas?
  9. Was going add that but I still had till June 30th and figured someone would call me on it
  10. Thanks. I missed that. If I had seen it I would not have posted at all. I’ll do that
  11. No I was just commenting on their strategy. I’m a dollar short. Would have been happy if I could have used the discount. That’s all Yes they are quality products . No question about that. But I’m sure some bean counter figured there would be people like me who would try to buy 2 at $98 and apply the $25 off for a total of $73. I didn’t see the 2 for $76 and will now look into that Thanks
  12. If I buy 2 of the $49 things I want I’m a dollar short to use the $25. It says must total over $99 to use discount. ? Considering: Capitol Chambers and/or Hitsville
  13. Edit> Delete Special> Delete Hole. That has always worked for me.
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