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  1. midi chase function still has a bit of problem in this version.midi cc chase from muted clip has been fixed but muted track issue still exist. 1.midi chase won't work if there's two tracks assigned to the same channel ,and one of the track is muted. Expected :the muted track should not affect the midi chase function in other track. Actual: the midi cc chase function in both track won't work.it no longer sending the last midi cc value to vst. repo: 1:add 2 tracks and assign them to the same channel. 2:draw some midi cc in both track. 3.mute one of the track. 4.midi cc stop chasing in another track. 2.midi chase issue with vienna ensemble pro Expected :the midi tracks which are assign in different port in VE Pro but same channel,should not affect each other. Actual:the midi cc chase function in both track won't work.it no longer sending the last midi cc value to VE Pro. repo: 1:add 2 midi tracks,assign track 1 to VE pro port 1 ,channel 1 ,assign track 2 to vepro port 2 ,channel 1.(both are in channel 1 but different port.) 2.draw some midi cc in both tracks. 3.midi cc stop chasing in both tracks. I've attached the project file,it's easier to test these bug. midi chase bug V2.cwpmidi chase bug V2.cwp
  2. Some useful feature suggestion 1. Tempo adjustment enhancement In current version CbB, you cannot select a serious of tempo change, and just drag them up/down, left/right. A flexible tempo adjustment function is pretty essential for a film music composer.it will be useful if cakewalk able to adjust tempo like this. 2. Logical Editor In percussion editing, it’s very common to do something like “select every other 3rd notes and subtract velocity by 12”, although it can be done by write a cal script, but cal script is not very friendly to use. So a logical editor may be a good solution for this situation. Users can create the function they need by themselves. 3. Capability of creating multiple Marker tracks. -------------------------Navigation enhancement and track visibility management------------- 4. Track visibility configurations Maybe a visibility manager instead of show/hide track dialogue is better. Visibility manager also should able to dock to the bottom, able to save different Track visibility configurations and able to assign a keyboard shortcut to each configuration. 5. New commands (1) Show tracks with data (2)show tracks with data at the now cursor position (3) show tracks with data between the locators Usually a scoring template contains hundreds even thousands of track. These functions will significantly help composers to reduce the time to navigate the tracks.
  3. Awesome work!hope can see some tempo view improvment soon^
  4. Bandlab assistant can only get 3 byte/s when downloading cakewalk installer.I've downloaded for 4 days,only 5498KB completed.
  5. https://help.bandlab.com/attachments/token/Z6OoyVcPulPeh0nFkp4dkSTt6/?name=bug+test.cwp here it is.
  6. only once in 07 release.but I cannot reproduce it any more.I will try to reinstall CbB to see if this will happen again. and there's also a track selection bug still exist in 07 release https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld9691N1T4U I've already reported on bandlab support."request (220300) ".with the project file. this issue related to certain project file. it‘s glad to kown tempo view is going to get enhancment.I've waited this for 15 years^Thanks.
  7. Clip Selection Bug Short Description: if a track contains multiple clip,the last one is unselectable https://youtu.be/XVBxFmtMCVM when this happened,I have to close and reopen CbB,everything will be back to normal. It seems appear randomly,I haven't figure out how to reproduce this bug. PS:Is it possible to make the transform tool avaliable for tempo map? it will make tempo adjustment much much easier.
  8. emmmm……I really hope cakewalk can make the tempo view able to do the following things.6:00 in this video. actually,make the transform tool,and move tool available in tempo view would be nice. Tempo Warp demo
  9. MiniDumps.rarthese are the minidump of recent crash.it seems crash radomly,I've attached related dump file ,hope it will help to locate the problem.
  10. I've updated to the newest version,and I noticed a bug of play line some times the play marker can not follow the play line poperly,I have to restart cakewalk to bring it back to normal. and the track selection bug is still exist in 2019.5 build 31,track selection always jump to the first one automaticly.and it's related to some certain project file.
  11. Thanks……I think I found the reason.the lagging is caused by vst's output audio track.these track is eating all my cpu power even there's nothing in the track. I found a solution use Vienna ensemble pro to handle these vst's.and mix all the audio output in VE pro.not in cakewalk. then route a stereo channel back to cakewalk. VE pro won't slowing down by these audio output,so does cakewalk.
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