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Peter Bruck

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Everything posted by Peter Bruck

  1. Genius!!! That did it, it installed perfectly now! Thank you so much again for your help!
  2. WRT Drum Replacer .... .... working perfectly, thank you so much for your help! ? WRT Melodyne, thank you for the link, "Some Guy's" solution worked and the installer runs, but there is no option to uninstall, only to install. I got Nitish Sharma's solution to work eventually but only after resetting the Admin password. Melodyne uninstalled (i.e. it is gone from my apps list), but in the Bandlab Assistant it is still ticked and greyed out, so now I can't re-install it!
  3. Oh dear, this is fast getting over my pay grade! I uninstalled and re-installed Drum Replacer (it defaulted onto C:\). After the VST scan it is listed as excluded. Once I enabled it I tried to insert it into a project but got a fatal error. I've attached the scan log and error message screen grab. I have Sonar 8.5 PE installed on my D:\ as well. I've tried to google the error code but can't find anything that makes sense to me. I can't uninstall Melodyne as it's asking me to contact my admin (which I am!), but there is nowhere to run as admin to enter my credentials. ?‍♂️ Any ideas? VstScanSandbox.log
  4. Thanks again Scook, The Drum Replacer Directory is missing from my Internal folder and the Celemony Directory is missing from my VST3 folder. Having said that, I installed cakewalk to my D:\ drive as I was running out of space on my SSD. So now I have the main program installed under D:\Program Files\Cakewalk (without Shared Utilities), but C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal also exists. Similarly, there is no D:\Program Files\Common Files, only C:\Program Files\Common Files. I'm sure that is where things have gone pear-shaped, I think Drum Replacer is looking for D:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal and Celemony for D:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 I will create those paths and re-install both apps tomorrow. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, will keep you posted. Cheers, Peter
  5. Thanks Scook, I tried that, but still no luck, and nothing showing in the log. The weird thing is that in Settings / Apps / Apps and Features both Drum Replacer and Melodyne Runtime 4.1 (64) are listed as installed. Could I ask you to send me the path where both of those files are supposed to be located? Cheers, Peter
  6. Hi Tecknot, thank you for the welcome and thank you for answering on my query! ? Apologies for my late reply, yes, I have, all my other VSTs are working fine. I would have thought that Melodyne and Drum Replacer would have been added automatically, but they just appear to be missing. I selected them in the Bandlab Assistant when I installed Cakewalk, and they appear as selected (greyed out, I presume since they are all installed) along with The Theme Editor and Studio Instruments (which do work). ?‍♂️ Best Regards, Pete
  7. Hi All, they are both listed as installed in Win 10 Apps & Features, but I can't access the plugins. The CW Studio Instruments Suite and CW Theme Editor all work fine, as do all my other VST2, VST3, VSTi & DXi plugins that came bundled with Sonar 8.5 PE. Any ideas as to what I might be missing? I'm trying to insert Melodyne as an Audio FX and Drum Replacer through Region FX, but neither is showing. Please help! Cheers, Pete
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