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  1. Thanks, I appreciate your tips, just not sure you are confident with this genre. Consider I have used amp sims, so the guitars are already compressed when you apply distortion from the amp sims, if you also put a compressor on them as this guy says, they will be squashed I guess and loose their original tone. I already put a compressor on the mix bus. I used this track as a reference, you can compare it, if you can spot a difference with my track let me know. https://toucheamore.bandcamp.com/track/-
  2. ok thanks for the advice, but on all tutorials I've seen they don't recommend to use reverb on guitars especially distorted ones, when they are played with other instruments together, because it results in the mix being muddy. Everyone is recommending to not use reverb on guitars but rather delay, to prevent muddyness. Again the separation is probably due to the guitars being panned 100% L/R, so they sound separated, but at the same time this is to make the whole mix wider in terms of stereo image, everyone on tutorials I've seen recommends to pan guitars 100%L/R and not to use any reverb. There might be different schools of thought. It might also be that in the middle there's only bass and drums and the guitars are mosto of the times panned 100%, but maybe when I'll record the voice should be ok
  3. You are also saying I'm using reverb on the panned guitars? Strange cause I did not! I just used some delay on one of the guitars on the right side during the octave riff, and reverb only on the central guitar solo during the quiet part of the song
  4. Thanks for the comment. Hang on I don't get it, of course I pushed each track into their own bus, GUITAR bus, DRUMS bus, BASS bus, then all of these go to the master bus. I don't get this reverb thing you are claiming, I didn't put any reverb at all on the guitars or bass, only on the drums bus, and I put only reverb on the central solo guitar in the quiet part of the song to give some depth., are you referring specifically to the reverb in that section of the song? is it too wet? And then, how panning a guitar in the middle fileld should make it sound less harsh? not clear. I only compressed the drums (parallel compression) , the bass, and a little bit on the master bus to give it some glue (-2 gain reduction) Should I just reduce the reverb level on that guitar part and on the drums bus?
  5. Maybe I could automate the panning and leve the lone guitar in the middle and pan it back 100% when the other instruments come in?
  6. I just used delay occasionally in the panned guitars when needed.
  7. Thanks glad to hear that. I did not use any reverb on the panned guitars, just occasionally on the central guitar. I think you hear it kind of separately when isolated because they are panned 100% left/right, that's why, but that's the general rule to make a wide mix. Actually I panned them 95% L/R to leave a tiny bit of glue.
  8. All that I have used is: A laptop, a DAW, an interface, amp sims, MIDI drums software.
  9. Hi there! I need a feedback from some experienced mixing engineer about my DIY home mix here, possibly into rock/metal/punk stuff (still missing the vocals but interested into the instrumental part) I'd like to know if any of the following is ok or needs improvement: volume balance, performance, compression, EQ, dynamic, loudness for a mix (I kept it around -6db) PS: the drums are programmed. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q13gbotrcH3jCGcTEEdmWW9qMYk7eXQS/view?usp=sharing
  10. I used Native Instrument Studio Drummer
  11. Suggestion from an experienced drummer needed (rock/metal/punk) I recorded and mixed this track with midi programmed drums, can you kindly take a listen and tell me if they sound realistic enough or is there some artifact or things that doesn’t sound good? Could be timing, velocity, execution issues… Ps: Im not a drummer https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mZc3sAl0H351uL2bSaRWTj7u6oCd2nwr/view?usp=drivesdk
  12. Hi there, I always use the cakewalk meter on each track to see if peaking and track is running too hot. I usually try to maintain each track around -6 db or maximum -4db. I noticed that if I use the youlean loudness meter 2 plugin on the same track and I compare the highest peak with the cakewalk embedded meter, there is a difference of 1db or so. I believe I should maybe rely on the Youlean meter for more precise measurement? What do you reckon?
  13. Hi there, I always use the cakewalk meter on each track to see if peaking and track is running too hot. I usually try to maintain each track around -6 db or maximum -4db. I noticed that if I use the youlean loudness meter 2 plugin on the same track and I compare the highest peak with the cakewalk embedded meter, there is a difference of 1db or so. I believe I should maybe rely on the Youlean meter for more precise measurement? What do you reckon?
  14. Here’s also the song played live during rehearsals, I basically tried to copy exactly what the drummer was doing and reprogrammed it. Indeed he plays a lot of cymbals, do you think is still too much cymbals even here? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1faRpHgbcZqiXm4tKhaBAL0xkrAQu-rBP/view?usp=drivesdk
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