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Steve Moddelmog

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  1. I used to go for months without having to log in. Is this new? Intended?
  2. Thanks for the replies. I'm going to assume that the sysx data had nothing to do with the behavior of the plugin with the MIDI track and that it was just an anomaly.
  3. I've been using a Nektar LX49+ keyboard with Sonar/Cakewalk/Sonar for many years. I use it almost exclusively as a keyboard, not as a control surface. Just recently, I am seeing sysx data when I view the Event List in every MIDI file. Files older than the past few months don't have any sysx data. What's going on?? I discovered it when I encountered a situation where Arturia's Synthx V plugin was silent for many presets. If I export the recorded MIDI track and then re-import it, Synthx V plays fine. Not sure what the sysx data has to do with it, but even deleting the sysx events didn't make those presets work - only exporting and then importing. Is there something that got accidentally turned on in Preferences that I should turn off to avoid this?
  4. I just tried loading Sytrus and opening the UI and it works fine for me. So I don't think it's a global problem with Sytrus.
  5. What would be the advantage of lowering the buffer size rather than just leaving it at 500 msec?
  6. Well, I used to know how to do this. If I want to, say, hide "channel" or "bank" in a MIDI track, how do I do it? thanks.
  7. Ah, I never knew about that. There's always something to learn, even after using Cakewalk / Sonar for more than 20 years. Thanks.
  8. How do you set up CbB to make TTS-1 the default player for a MIDI file? I was unaware of this capability.
  9. I'd never noticed it, but it seems like I do get a little bit of the effect you're talking about. I had changed the "High DPI scaling override" in Properties / Compatibility. When I uncheck that box, I don't notice any flicker.
  10. Yes, the August version of Sonar. I have pm'ed the file to you. One thing I noticed that I didn't mention in my message - it has a tab at the bottom next to Console and Piano Roll that says "Loop Construction <Melodyne> Track 1." I don't remember what that was about - I don't recall ever using "loop construction" and I don't think I've ever seen that tab before in any project. Unfortunately this one was started seven years ago and I don't remember what I might have been doing that created that tab. Possibly changing the tempo? But closing the tab in CbB does cause it to crash, even if I first render the Melodyne clips. Thanks for taking a look.
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