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Everything posted by Sonarman

  1. I don't know what your exact scenario is but in my experience most people recording audio in DAW think it is required to play everything in impeccable timing or quantize it. In reality your recording will sound much better with a natural timing. I have quantized several tracks and end up choosing the original recording always. Although there will be some two to three notes that need editing, in my case .
  2. I vote for merging the two. Btw, the old forum had better way to access My posts, recent posts, subscribed posts etc..
  3. Just play from 8:10, Claudio plays the pizzagogo patch and the enya song. ? D50. The whole video is totally worth watching. Edit: Just noticed Colin already posted the same video. btw I tried the same patch in roland cloud D50 its very close and almost identical, you can try it if you badly need the same sound without buying a D50.
  4. So much of scook's replies in cakewalk threads has helped me on many occasions. I would like to say a heartful thanks. Thank you Scook. Btw are you in gearsluts? I do find a familiar guy named Scoox there.
  5. Hello all! I was at first skeptical of the new forum coz you know I was worried how its gonna be. But this looks soo cool. Love it ?
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