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Giorgio Gabriel

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About Giorgio Gabriel

  • Birthday 07/16/1966

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  1. Thank you Jonathan. I did it. Bye, Giorgio
  2. Dear all, in a few days my membership created around 1 year ago needs to be renewed and I have a couple of questions: 1: I didn't found on Bandlab website exactly how it will work? Will it be an automatic renewal? 2: It seems that the price that will be charged will be USD 149.50 + tax, but in the homepage, in the subscription button I see a discounted price of USD 99.00 (but I cannot use it because I already have the membership). So, what's the deal? Thanks, Giorgio
  3. Check with MIDI-OX (as another guy suggested) and verify that data is coming into the pc.
  4. Are you using the 32 bit version of SynthEdit? If yes, try to install and use the 64 bit version and probably this could fix the problem. Regards, Giorgio
  5. And check that the same midi in/out interface is NOT selected as control surface...
  6. You can also single click the send pot and get the focus of that. Now with the + and - on the keyboard you can adjust the value.... Giorgio
  7. I suggest to read the mixer manual. It could be that the audio sent to the computer is also related to the STEREO fader. Regards, Giorgio
  8. Haha, you are right and I found a video of a guy that modified the UR22Mk2 to fix that problem (interesting...): Anyway you find a better solution to the problem using a mixer. I have a mixer too and I use the ur22mk2 rarely, it's my second choiche... Regards, Giorgio
  9. While you are recording you can set the MIX pot in the UR22mk II. Conterclockwise let you the hear audio from the sources connected to input 1 and 2, and it should be stereo (input 1 left and input 2 right). Clockwise let you to monitor the output of the DAW. You can decide how much of "mix" you need while recording. Otherwise you can set the "mix" at maximum (clockwise) and activate the "Input Echo" in the DAW (this will cause a little latency). Regards, Giorgio
  10. Maybe it's not the right answer, but is it possible that you are running Sonar at particular sampling rate (for example 44.1 khz) while the other applications are running at different one (maybe at 48khz)? In this scenario the audio card must change it's sampling rate every time and this could cause some problems. Regards, Giorgio
  11. I often record guitars with 2 mics and I record them in two different tracks like you. After recording you could select the 2 clips and in the CLIPS menu choose "create clip selection group". Now, as soon as you select one of the clips both become selected and you can do quicker editing. Regards, Giorgio
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