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  1. I was referring to this: "Resolution: There is no need to re-register Dimension Pro online. To correctly authorize your product simply click hear to receive a new, unique and valid Registration Code: Http://www.cakewalk.com/Register/lostREG.asp But thanks for trying to help, anyway.
  2. Did you try the link you posted? ? "Page Not Found It looks like the page you were looking for no longer exists, we couldn't find it or you are just extremely lost. That's OK it happens to us all the time. Here are some popular destinations to help you along your travels."... Actually, I mentioned that solution, but I also mentioned the page is not working anymore.
  3. Here is the error code I get. Yes, after running the stand-alone as administrator, and copying and pasting the proper registration code. As I said, this happened to me in the past, and the only way to solve it was by asking Cakewalk to issue a new registration code. From my experience, once the code stops being recognized, there's nothing else we can do. Thaks to all who tried to help. REally appreciated your responses, but unfortunately they didn't help with my issue. ?
  4. Not, it doesn't work EVERY TIME. Instead of replying with your own experience, read what I wrote. I am an experienced user. I know very well how to authorize a software, I know what is a serial number, what is a registration code, that they have to match, that I have to be careful about spaces, bla, bla, bla. It's very simple: OVER HERE, NOTHING WORKS. BTW - I still have Command Center installed, and I am able to run it, and reinstall from it. I even reinstalled D-Pro from it.
  5. I am not condemning anyone in particular. But in what way is this a fallacy? I have Rapture, which is contemporary of D-Pro, and Rapture never had this problem. This is not a Windows related problem, it's a D-Pro problem. It's like D-Pro has some kind of time-bomb inside the code, that makes it coming up as unauthorized from time to time. As I said, it happened before to me, more than twice, actually. And the proof this is a D-Pro problem is that Cakewalk even had a page dedicated to solve THAT problem.
  6. If you are answering my post, please note what I wrote: " I tried the solution of running the stand alone as administrator, and although I'm entering correctly the registration code that is the Command Center, I cannot manage to register the instrument. Every time I get the "invalid registration code" message." So no, running as administrator doesn't solve my problem. Besides, that shouldn't happen in the first place. Unfortunately D-Pro is cursed with this problem since many years, and Cakewalk didn't manage to solve it.
  7. I am experiencing the registration problem with Dimension Pro too. I tried the solution of running the stand alone as administrator, and although I'm entering correctly the registration code that is the Command Center, I cannot manage to register the instrument. Every time I get the "invalid registration code" message. Dimension Pro has experienced lots of similatr problems in the past, and it seems those problems were never properly corrected. I have a lot of codes sent to me by Cakewalk in the past because periodically I had this problem. They even had a page dedicated to the issue: Resolution: There is no need to re-register Dimension Pro online. To correctly authorize your product simply click hear to receive a new, unique and valid Registration Code: Http://www.cakewalk.com/Register/lostREG.asp But that page isn't working anymore (as expected). ?
  8. Hi guys. Thanks for the tips. I will try the "Zero Controllers When Play Stops" option. I suspect that's where the problem resides.
  9. I have a pupil who is experiencing a lot of problems with Cakewalk by Bandlab. It started with Multi Samplers, like Kontakt and Aria. After instantiating the instrument in the Rack, and loading several sounds in it (each on its own channel), we then created MIDI tracks, each we addressed to the respective sound/channel. Playing with the MIDI controller, everything was well. We then recorded a track. After recording, the sound was muted (in Kontakt) or with the volume severely reduced (in Aria). Unloading and reloading the sound would make it back to normal. However, after recording a new track, ALL tracks (even the one already recorded) would present the anomaly again. There were no controllers or commands in in action that could cause that. Yesterday, after uninstalling and reinstalling EVERYTHING related to Cakewalk, a new anomaly appeared. This time, Cakjewalk was stoping to respond to the MIDI controllers. Using other software (like Kinbtakt standalone) allowed us to verify that the MIDI controllers were working as expected - the anomaly was only in Cakewalk. Frankly, I don't know what else can I do. I advised him to simply give up on Cakewalk for good. What intrigues me the most is that I used and am using Cakewalk on several systems, one of them Windows 7 and the others Windows 10, and I never experienced or saw this problem before. Add to this that last weekend my daughter also installed Cakewalk in her own computer. She is a pianist, and wanted to record some demos for his pupils, to send them, so I advised her to use Cakewalk for that. She linked her electronic piano (a Yamaha) to the compute,r and used it as a MIDI controller, Once again,. she was able to play MIDI through perfectly, but when recording, the sound disappears, although the signal was recorded perfectly. I adviced her to use the piano own sound to minotor, and that how she worked around the problem. These are weird problems, that i don't observe in my own computers, but if someone has some advices that would be greatly appreciated.
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