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Sander Verstraten

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Everything posted by Sander Verstraten

  1. I wonder if they'll update all existing plugins in the coming months.. Polyphonic tracking for Rabea is probably too much to ask for?
  2. Is there trouble in paradise? Benn has a video on Faclon 3 set to premiere at the same time as his mate Cameron:
  3. Is EFX Motions the only FX that is not part of the current FX Collection 4 or have others been released too? I kind lost track..
  4. I wonder if it has any merit for anyone that didn't pre-order the Komplete Kontrol MK3 keyboards. I am yet to find any advantage to NKS2 for anyone else.
  5. Tried it and reverted after half n hour playing with it. It's a mess, and breaks all the Arturia instruments. Now waiting for KK to build it's library for the second time Today...
  6. By How much would this bring a Synth Stack purchase during BF bring down?
  7. My favorite dead hardware is the IK Stomp IO that hasn't been supported post Amplitube 3. And obviously companies don't release any code to older devices so people can tinker around with them to make them useful..
  8. Is that a sign that UAD will be part of Soundwide/Native Instruments soon?
  9. He probably meant this one: https://www.jrrshop.com/eastwest?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  10. So they also do the Cyberlink (PowerDVD) store, that one seems to be still up. The company seems to do a lot of software licensing for educational institutions. I hope those aren't suddenly all locked out of their apps.
  11. That was because of the exchange rate between Euro and USD back then. Should have bought more packs back then
  12. Might that be a reason they pushed the Cubase 13 release?
  13. https://www.songtradr.com/blog/posts/songtradr-bandcamp-acquisition (September 28 - Los Angeles) - Songtradr, a music licensing platform and marketplace company supporting artists, labels and publishers, and Epic Games, a leading interactive entertainment company and provider of 3D engine technology, announced today that Songtradr is acquiring Bandcamp. Songtradr will continue to operate Bandcamp as a marketplace and music community with an artist-first revenue share. Bandcamp is an online music store and community with over 5M artists and labels where fans can discover, connect with, and directly support the artists they love. This acquisition will help Bandcamp continue to grow within a music-first company and enable Songtradr to expand its capabilities to support the artist community. Songtradr will also offer Bandcamp artists the ability and choice to have their music licensed to all forms of media including content creators, game and app developers and brands. This will enable artists to continue to own and control their music rights, and increase their earning capacity from Songtradr’s global licensing network. Epic is exploring ways to partner with Songtradr to build an inventory of music where artists can opt in to have their music licensed for use in Epic’s ecosystem. Epic will continue to collaborate with Bandcamp on projects like Fortnite Radio and is investing in Songtradr to support Bandcamp’s successful integration into Songtradr. "The acquisition of Bandcamp will help Songtradr continue to grow its suite of services for artists. I’m a passionate musician myself, and artistry and creativity have always been at the heart of Songtradr. Bandcamp will join a team of music industry veterans and artists who have deep expertise in music licensing, composition, rights management, and distribution," said Paul Wiltshire, CEO of Songtradr.“ Songtradr shares Epic and Bandcamp’s values around ensuring artists are fairly compensated for their work,” said Steve Allison, Vice President and General Manager, Store at Epic Games. “Bringing Bandcamp to Songtradr will make it easier for independent artists to connect with creators and developers looking to license their music and enable Epic to focus on its core metaverse, games, and tools efforts.”
  14. There is also Stem Seperation baked into the latest version of Tracktion's Waveform which sounds okay to me.
  15. I'll wait for the next Group Buy...
  16. Finally a IKM subscription for my Windows PC!
  17. That's so weird as Presonus developed ARA together with Celemony. Guess one of the 'advantages' of being part of Fender
  18. That was after the Spectral Paid Add-on debacle, right? I think he and his buddy Benn Jordan took their hands off of the DAW. I think they're more about FL now, and by extent UVI.
  19. Doesn't Bitwig also allow for importing native Ableton and FL Studio files already?
  20. Seeing that Bitwig and PreSonus created this project exchange format, I assume they will work together to get CLAP in Studio One with Version 7
  21. It's a bit hidden towards the bottow of the page:
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