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Andy DA

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Everything posted by Andy DA

  1. Dear sirs, I have a issue of no working sound of instrument in Cakewalk! you can see this issue in screens. I mean Chord Generator in standalone version has sound options in its setting, however in Cakewalk track it has not these parameters and there is not any sound? How could I be to correct this problem with your help? Yours faithfully, Andy
  2. Thank you so much to OutrageProductions for your advice, however ,how could I change the base octave setting in CW preferences? I don't see any options there...Could you be to help me?
  3. Dear sirs, let me find out about how could be to change the placement of keyboard's keys for activation of articulations in different vst instruments? For example, Instrument of Kontakt has key of F1 to placement of articulation (screenshot 2024-12-26_10-35-56), but my key of articulation in keyboard of Piano Roll view Cakewalk has key of F3 (2024-12-26_10-38-40)! How can i correct this placement of articulation's keys? Yours faithfully, Andy
  4. Though I like to use instrument Rhythm'n'Chords GS, for example, for get unusual or new rhythms for guitar! What can I do now?
  5. Thank you, I understood that it been removed from CbB ...
  6. Dear friends. let find out from you about correcting of some points in app Cakewalk? I mean there are issues with conditions of Preferences. One of them (1 screenshot) is window of Output/Channel hasn't any ports for instruments and the button "Define" is frozen? Also there is not any sound tool in section MIDI / Devices /Output (2 screenshot)? Could be you help me decide with these problems? Who knows about? Yours faithfully, Andy
  7. Dear sirs,I'd like to find out about issue from start of cakewalk project and then there is appearing problem with meaning of high level of memory and computer freezes. Could you advice about issue? Yours faithfully. Andy
  8. I already informed in support about these theme and I have been promised that it will send to developers, however, I think you are right and it would be good to put this theme for forum!
  9. Thank you so much for your useful advice, I do it, too! However, sometimes I need to see name of notes on scale of piano roll keyboard in whole! Because of I edit some of midi of notes and click to select on some of note with my mouse I need to see exact place anyway where I'll be drag and drop at to editing! I think this add feature will be very comfortable in interface of Cakewalk for some users. Also I would be to offer to enabled the good feature as to colorful name of notes if user would like to see that? Of course these options should not be enabled by default. For example, there is variant of pianoroll in some DAW!
  10. Thank you so much for your decision! While I meant on point of view like that (screenshot). However your variant it's good solution!
  11. I'd like to include name of notes on all keys of piano roll. Who knows how can I do it? If I using Theme Editor? so what can I do there?
  12. Andy DA

    About Icons.

    Dear sirs, let me find out about where are disappeared my folders with examples of icons in Cakewalk Core /Track Icons? How could I be repair this folders? Yours faithfully. Andy
  13. Dear Friends, who was know with Sonar tools so would be to give tip is there this tool (Stroke Map) for create rhythm for guitar and loops in Cakewalk bandlab and where is it? Or something same thing? Andy
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