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Hi Drumvolution is drums library( kontakt) My problem is when i turn on or restart my Pc and open daw and play the project... It doesnt have sound... Even i play drums with midi keyboard its mute... But the midi icon in the kontakt instrument panel gets light on and off But when i click on the drums elements(kick-snare) with mouse.. It has sound? So i get confused... Because when i remove drumvolution in the kontakt and reopen it... Its works fine I think somthing has disconnect between drumvolution and playback system when i shout down or restart pc **Note** this problem is just with cakewalk
Of course in my problem downgrade to Previous versions didnt solve anything And I will report to output
i think its feature request(not a bug) In multichannel vst like kontakt or omnisphere The automation of all channels is done through channel one, and if someone wants to automate the parameter for ex. that is for channel 5 through the same channel 5, this is not possible. It has to go to channel 1 and automate the parameter related to channel 5, which of course is not easy to find channel 1 if there are a lot of tracks in the project ... but if the automation control of each channel is done through the same channel It will save a lot of time ... aut.mp4 This is a feature that is available in Studio One and I will send a short clip of it Of course, I mentioned this about 2 years ago But I have not seen any change so far
@Will. Hi I found the main problem The problem is with Output thermal.vst3 Because when I disable it there is no crash I also tested vst2 version of thermal and there was no problem I reported it to cakewalk( send mini dump) But maybe output company should solve it
Of course the ID 14 It is for Audient Company
In October or november
@Will. @pwalpwal I did a few tests and I think this problem has to do with both the sound card and the thermal Because when I delete/bypass the thermal, there is no crash On the other hand, when the thermal is enable and I unplug the sound card, there is no crash And another important point is that when I bypass the thermal and export without any crashing ... after exporting, I want enable the thermal .. by enabling it, Daw crashes( in this situation sound card is plugged)
I noticed when I restart the pc and after that open my project... Daw doesn't crash Now I should bypass plugin and check it
I don't think these crashes related to audient Because I have it about 1 year and These crashes have been around for about 2 months and I had no problems before that( and audient last update was in September) So somthing happend to my daw and pc that cause these crashes
Cpu : core i7 8700 Ram : 16gb Mb: gigabyte b360 GPU : Intel uhd 630 Audio interface : audient id14 Windows 11 These crashes have been around for about 2 months and I had no problems before that Even when recording audio, the project suddenly sounds like a repeating glitch However cakewalk has problem with thermal and xo because there are some minidumps( in cakewalk core) that related to those plugins
Yes, I checked now and saw that the crashes are related to the output thermal plugin Of course, I do not know what the export and changing the record method can have to do with thermal. Also, some crashes are related to the Xln XO
just see my video ... idont know what to do with these crashes asd.mp4
Hi In cubase I use a shortcut(shift+double click) that selects current event to the last event and can move them. Is there a shortcut for this in cakewalk(I mean exactly that and do not use an event list or arranger track)??
@Klangraum Unfortunately, some cakewalk users are accustomed to doing things the hard way Like you, I have said it many times here about changing gains But as usual, no one always paid attention to it The best and fastest way to change the gain is what is available in cubase and Studio One That is, with one mouse click, select the event and then the gain is easily changed with the mouse While a person suggests Clip Gain and another person offers automation, these two methods are more difficult and time consuming than what is in cubase and Studio One.
@bdickens@Lord Tim @reginaldStjohn The hiss noise problem is related to gain knob on soundcard I realize in equal situation( with knob gain ex. in 12 clock).. Cakewalk produce more gain than cubase and studio one... So its not big deal and I should reduce gain knob But for crashes problem its not only affect of windows update... ( maybe the update just intensified it) I've been having a crash problem for at least a month ... especially when I make changes in prefrence For example, I was recording a guitar right now and I wanted to select the sound on sound option in the record method .. which after selecting it .. Daw crashed ... I tried several times, but the crashes still continue, And I desperately left the studio and came out And of course,it is not just related to the record method ... the whole part of the prefrence crashes by making a change ...