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  1. Sure...I see you posted that link already. oops. I use Savihost all the time if I want to authorize or quick test a plugin without opening up Cakewalk. You just double click the executable, then navigate to the plugin, select it, and it opens right up. It's not got a lot of bells and whistles, but for what I use it for, it's perfect.
  2. Here is a collection of ones which will do 32 bit VST2, as well as 64 bit VST2 and VST3: https://www.hermannseib.com/english/savihost.htm
  3. This from another thread related to Magix SoundForge: In order to bypass the search of existing VST plug-ins on your machine during the startup process, please try the following: Right-click on the application's launch icon. Select 'Properties' Add the following command outside of the quotes in the Target field: /NOVSTGROVEL Select Apply and then OK. Be sure to include a space between the last quote and the beginning of the command line argument. Hope this helps. It worked for me on Win 10/SF 12 Pro
  4. Thanks Noel...sent back a message with more details.
  5. Hi Noel, Still getting the same error, after a few hours, and uninstalling BA then installing latest, signing in, etc. Still says can only update version don't want to uninstall Cakewalk as an option, as it depends on BA for the install, and I don't want to be left out in the rain without a working version of Cakewalk. Please let me know if you have any ideas. Otherwise, I'll stick with the 9.2019 version I have and wait til a new Assistant version is created without this problem. Thanks again for your help.
  6. Just cleared my browser cache, logged out of BA, restarted, then logged back in and still same error message. I'll try again later and report back. Thanks again for tireless troubleshooting. It is appreciated.
  7. Thanks Noel, I will try logging out and back in, then let you know... I'm in Chicago.
  8. Doing the same for me...I just downloaded newest version of Assistant...tells me a new version is available, then I update, and it gives the same error message about "will only update" I am running 2019.9 build 70, on Win 10 Thanks
  9. I am having same issue on Win 10 WASAPI shared...built-in conexant sound card...crackles and distortion only on audio tracks with fx. Playback is 24/44.1. There was never a problem with earlier builds of Cakewalk. Reverted back to 2019.9....and all is good.
  10. Thank you for the update...using now, and very happy. ?
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