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Simeon Amburgey

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Simeon Amburgey last won the day on August 31 2022

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About Simeon Amburgey

  • Birthday May 29

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  1. It can run in the standalone version of the FREE HALion Sonic player. What @topaz said , sorry ;^) Here is a little bit more info on my website: https://praisetracks.com/?p=6997
  2. This one is a lot of fun!. I am going live with a Premiere at 11:00 am here:
  3. I was trying it on some of the free stock sound effect websites (PixaBay for example), and then dropping it into another sampler and it was a lot of fun. It is a great way to get material especially for sound design purposes. Sometimes if I need a bit of audio from a website, I use a separate downloader, but this eliminates a step and makes the process much more convenient. After Thursday this will be even a lot more fun to use as something really cool is coming that I can drop these samples into (stay tuned).
  4. Hello everyone, I have seen a few blurbs about this and thought I would give it a look. Web Sampler is like a VST3 that is actually a web browser but captures audio. You can adjust start and end times and drag and drop the result into a sampler of your choise. Some first experiences were a lot of fun. Here is the link: https://www.wxaudioplugins.com/websampler *of course use your newfound power responsibly ;^) Joyfully yous, Simeon
  5. Hello everyone, I have seen a few blurbs about this and thought I would give it a look. Web Sampler is like a VST3 that is actually a web browser but captures audio. You can adjust start and end times and drag and drop the result into a sampler of your choise. Some first experiences were a lot of fun. Here is the link: https://www.wxaudioplugins.com/websampler *of course use your newfound power responsibly. Joyfully yous, Simeon
  6. Green, Thanks so much for the suggestions. I went with the API Vision Channel Strip and LEXICON 224. Joyfully yours! Simeon
  7. Got it! I just need to explore it a bit more but from my early tests, it sounds gorgeous. Capital Chambers for me is one of my favorites! Joyfully!
  8. Mibby, It is truly a pleasure. One of the main reasons I prefer going live is that I am committed ;^) It also allows me to capture really special moments as well, and the idea of being able to share these experiences with such an amazing community just puts more wind in my Joyful Journey sails. I am trying to manage things so haven't been on as regularly as I have been but I look forward to seeing you on a possibly upcoming livestream. Thanks again, Simeon
  9. Yes, that is one of the cruel twists in UAudios sales strategy. I can only have so many Century Tube Channel Strips (but I find that I have enjoyed using it).
  10. So, with TODAY (June 30) being the last day it seems I can use my $25 vouchers, I am wondering what TWO UAudio plugins would be MUST HAVES? I already have the Essentials and Producer Bundles, along with Capitol Chambers. I mainly wanted the Producer Bundle for the instruments ;^) There is a $25 voucher in my account without a price limitation so that could be used on the $76 bundle, so trying to see if there are TWO plugins that are must haves. Thanks so much for the feedback. It might be the case I have everything I need, but we all know how that works out. Joyfully yours, Simeon
  11. You must already have Pianoteq 8 installed. The $49 is the price of the piano expansion itself, so if you already had Pianoteq and a few pianos then it is $49 to add this additional one. If you are a new Pianoteq user than you can select this one as one of the initial options. Pianoteq Stage $139 : Two instrument selections included Pianoteq Standard $269: Three instrument packs and ability to tweak the instruments Pianoteq PRO $399: Four instrument packs and more detailed editing per note and higher sampling rate Pianoteq Studio $899: The entire instrument collection and all the features of PRO More details here: https://www.modartt.com/pianoteq_overview?ref=cGFnZT1waWFub3RlcSZleHQ9 I also had a playthough during a special Wednesday livestream. You can check it out here:
  12. I actually have not had a chance to check them out in depth but thought it was a great opportunity to add them to research and feature them at a later time. I did have a brief time testing them out when I was trailing their SPARK Sub but the time constraints made it difficult to get too deep with them. Here is a video I did during my trial period ;^) I do have to say that I have been using Captial Chambers, the LA-2A Silver, quite a bit! ;^)
  13. I found TWO $25 vouchers in my account after purchasing the PRODUCER BUNDLE. One of them can be used for ANY purchase, while the other is valid on $99 and up purchases. I already have the Essentials Bundle and pulled the trigger on the Producer Bundle due to all of the keyboards and the other compressors being included. I was debating on what TWO plugins I could get in the $76, and then use the general $25 off coupon. Decisions, decisions ;^)
  14. Got this! You need to open the link using your MOBILE DEVICE, as it will not work from a desktop computer. I hope that helps, Simeon
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