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Tim Godfrey

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  1. Thanks! I will check out VSThost. I tried MidiOX, but it cannot open MIDI devices when CbB is running - I think it is a 64/32 bit issue, but would love to find a solution. You suggested in my other thread that VSThost could also help with that issue.
  2. I know sysex can be sent at the start of play by checking Auto in the Sysx view. I thought there was a way to trigger a sysex on transport stop also, but I can't find it. There is a zero-controllers on stop in Project Settings, but I can't find anything else. If the sysx transmit can't be triggered by the transport stop, is there a way to trigger it from a shortcut key? Again I didn't see anything in Preferences / Keyboard Shortuts that would send Sysx.
  3. I've been searching around for a way to import/export the Sysx view from a project to editable text. I'm working with Korg Kronos, and it uses Sys Ex messages for almost all automation functions from panel buttons and sliders (other than the ones that are clearly MIDI controllers like mod and pitch). The editing capabilities for SysEx in the Sysx view and the Event View are extremely rudimentary. I was hoping for a way to import/ export SysEx, but it doesn't look like Project Scope does anything like that.
  4. I'm using CWBL 24.12 with the Korg Kronos under Windows 10. The Korg driver is 1.15. I use various other MIDI programs as part of my workflow. MIDI-OX is one example When Cakewalk is open, other programs cannot access the Kronos MIDI device. With Cakewalk closed, multiple programs can use the Kronos as a MIDI source. If Cakewalk is started while another MIDI program is running, it will disable the Kronos MIDI input and not allow it to be used. Is there any way for Cakewalk to open a MIDI devices as "shared". I know that used to be the way it worked, but it could have been with 32 bit versions of Cakewalk or Sonar. I found a program called LoopMIDI that creates virtual MIDI devices. It seems to be available to both 32 and 64 bit applications. However it doesn't have an Input selector so I can't connect it to the Kronos keyboard MIDI device as a source. Another application has to set it as a destination. The MIDI-OX program has selectable outputs and I can route output to LoopMidi, and from there to something else. But I haven't found a direct way to have the Kronos driver send MIDI to loopMIDI, which can then send to MIDI-OX. Edit - a workaround is to create an extra MIDI track in Cakewalk with input from Kronos and output to loopMIDI. Enable Input Echo on that track. That works, but isn't a clean solution since it has to be specially configured, and the routing changes whether or not Cakewalk is running. Does anyone know of an approach to allow Cakewalk and 32 bit MIDI applications to share a MIDI driver?
  5. This should be easy, but I can't seem to find it. For overlaying or working with live audio clips, the M:B:T format is useless. Trying to match tempo is an exercise in frustration. Working exclusively in H:M:S:F is easier. It's easy to change the ruler to H:M:S:F or even samples, but the Loop In and Out points are still using M:B:T. How do I display the loop points to H:M:S:F?
  6. The Downloadable Documentation for Cakewalk at the bottom of this page does not have any bookmarks for navigating the almost 2000 page PDF. There is a table of contents at the front, but the Bookmarks tree is much better for navigating a large document because it is always visible, so you don't have to scroll to the front and back all the time. Please add the Bookmarks to the PDF. This is what I mean by bookmarks. A collapsible tree to the side of the document pane, and clicking on any item takes you to that item in the main document.
  7. Running CW 2022-09 on Windows 10. I have three plug in instruments in the Synth Rack. I use the Synth Rack view to show the UI of the plugin - take Omnisphere for example. I want the Omnisphere patch to be saved as part of the track, and be able to change it with Bank/Program Changes on the MIDI track that controls the instrument. If I edit the Patch setting on the Instrument track that hosts Omnisphere, it shows me numbers from 0-127. I can select any of them and the patch in Omnisphere does not change. In the Omnisphere UI, on the VST3 dropdown there is Plugin Properties. There is a setting for "Translate Bank/Program Changes" I've tried both checked and unchecked. I looked at the assign controls, but those are for MIDI CCs and not bank/program changes. I also tried creating the instrument with the MIDI Source Track option, and changing the Patch value on that track. There is still no change of patch in the plugin. I've used four different synth plugins (Omnisphere, CA2600, CS-80V, and Absynth) and none respond to Patch. In contrast, if I create a MIDI track with the MIDI port connected to a physical synth, and I change the Patch value in the track properties, the synth will changes patches normally. This should be easy... What am I missing? What is the process for selecting patches in the plugin instrument?
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