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  1. There's a third party plugin manager for Reaper that's fantastic in this way and I wish we could have similar functionality. It's basically an editable meatball chart where the row headings are the plugins and the column headings are the folders. Very easy to tell which plugins are in which folders (or none at all).
  2. Airwindows also has one or two good free deessers and I've had decent success with TDR Nova, a dynamic EQ. Maybe it's just inexperience on my part, but I've never been totally happy with simply using a deesser on a lead vocal. So I use clip gain to get sibilance and plosives in check for lead vocals and a deesser to catch anything I missed or didn't reduce enough. Backing vox just gets a deesser and that's that. Would be nice if it was possible to copy clip gain automation for double tracked vocals...?
  3. Yeah, not being able to hotkey between workspaces (as well as the transition between then being rougher and slower than screensets) is why I don't use them. I always have the control bar visible and the screensets module expanded, but it'd be a real pita if I wanted to hide it! But yes, having come from Reaper it's really strange to me to encounter a limitation like this.
  4. My workflow is heavily dependent upon screensets and I strongly prefer using hotkeys over mouse clicking, especially through menus. Unless I've missed something it seems the lock/unlock command for screensets can only be accessed through clicking the drop down menu in the screenset module. I keep my screensets locked because most of the time I'll make changes to do one thing, but I'll want it my view back to "normal" afterwards. But often enough I'll want to tweak a screenset for a particular project from that point forward. It would save a few annoying clicks if I could just hit a hot key twice to effectively save my changes to the current screenset and have it locked again. Alternatively, being able to assign the command to the custom module would be almost as great. Yeah, this is a pretty niche ask, I know. Cheers.
  5. I'm not familiar with that interface, but this isn't really possible to parse without seeing your Preferences -> Audio -> Devices, Driver Settings, and Playback and Recording pages.
  6. Using the CTRL key will allow you to add/remove individual events to your selection. You can either individually left click select them or right click+drag. Dragging over previously selected events (while holding CTRL) will deselect them.
  7. Two hopefully quick questions: 1) Is it possible to change the mouse wheel zoom key combinations? With simultaneous zoom disabled in track view ALT+MouseWheel is vertical zoom and CTRL+ALT+MW is horizontal. Can I swap these? 2) In the picture attached, why is the list of keyboard bindings so sparsely populated? Many of those functions have keybindings. I can use Locate Key and find the ones I know. But if I want to assign a new binding and I'm unsure if there is already a valid binding I either have to a) open the user guide and search the listed bindings and then find a suitable key combo if there isn't or b) try to guess what the key binding might be with Locate Key and see if it's in use. What am I missing?
  8. I use both, but I'm by no means an expert. Afaik screensets belong to the project and workspaces are global. I generally don't change workspaces, but have one customized to my tastes. I've edited the default templates I use to include the five different screensets I use (and the routing, buses, and folders I always use). So long as I start a new project from one of those templates, everything is where I expect it to be when changing screensets. I don't know what happens if you change workspaces in a project with different screensets.
  9. I've noticed that some automation envelopes, particularly for third party plugins, will report the correct units when dragging a node, but the node properties dialog will use percent. For instance, the Blue Cat gain plugin's gain envelope's tool tip will correctly show dB if I hover over the envelope or drag a node. However the properties dialog for a node uses a 0-100 percent scale. The plugin ranges from -60 to 60, so 1 != 1. Is it possible for the dialog box to use the actual value? I know that wouldn't work for non numerical properties. I've been getting around it with both the snapshot feature and trying not to care. Also, this just came to mind and I'm not at home to check if it's obvious: can the scale of the y axis be changed from linear to something more like logarithmic. My changes to that plugin in particular are often single digits so I have to fill the screen with the envelope to make precision adjustments. If my workflow is dumb and there's a better way, say so. I don't have a midi controller with knobs or faders though.
  10. Hi. I was routing a bass track into two aux channels, one with a HP filter and the other with a LP filter, so that I could add saturation to only the high end. This worked great and I had the idea to group the LP and HP frequencies together. This also worked great for adjusting the crossover point. I took it one step further and grouped the slopes as well. This did not work so well! I noticed that outside of the 6, 18 and 24 dB/oct slopes the HP and LP filters worked quite differently. I was able to un-group the frequencies and change one of them such that the crossover didn't alter the frequency content. I was also able to regroup them at that point and linearity was preserved across the spectrum. Most of the other slopes behave quite similar to each other. So why do the HP and LP slopes behave differently at the same cutoff points? It really seems to be a simple offset problem. I was also able to group some third party EQs in a similar fashion and some of them worked well across all slopes and others required the same finessing. It's not a big deal and I can account for it with a template, but I'm curious. I've sort of noticed this already when using just a HP or LP on a track and having to adjust the frequency based on which slope I've picked, but I've never put too much thought into it. Is it a bug?
  11. Hi, these are some settings that work for me using only an internal sound card and no additional drivers. I would also suggest importing an audio file (wav, mp3, whatever) before trying to get midi to work. One step at a time.
  12. My first guess--assuming that your speakers/headphones are connected to your mixer--is that however you're sending audio out from Cakewalk back into your mixer for monitoring, it's being sent back into Cakewalk, either on the guitar channel or another you're not aware of. Could this be the case? At any rate, the name of the mixer and the physical and digital routing you're using is likely necessary to debug any further.
  13. These should all be 64-bit: Chorus: Azurite by Distorque. Incredible sounding and flexible. Clipper: Free Clip by Venn Audio. I don't use clippers all the time, but for the limited use I have I don't see any point in having anything but this. Opto comp: SLAX by Sonic Anomaly. Nice and simple LA-2Aish compressor. Leveling Tool by AdHd Audio Tools. Variety is nice, though this one has a bit of high-end roll off. Distortion/Fuzz: Face Bender and Rangebastard by Distorque. I don't record a lot of guitar any longer, but when I did it was hard not reach for one of these on every track. Limiter: LoudMax by Thomas Mundt. K.I.S.S. principle in action. Metering: K-Meter by mzuther. Sometimes you just need a big meter, yeah? Monitoring: ISOL8 by TBProAudio. Permanent resident on my mix bus. I think the rest of my free arsenal has been covered in previous posts.
  14. I'm way too disorganized to handle multiple folders thanks to the aforementioned ADHD. Cakewalk has it's own directory, which I haven't touched, but everything else related to my music goes into one folder (with subfolders and symbolic links to the Cakewalk and VST folders) in My Documents.
  15. In the track pane, you can grab tracks in some places (the mouse cursor will change to a double up/down arrow) by left clicking and dragging them to a new place. There will be a highlighted line to show you where the track will be dropped when you let go of the mouse button. You can also create folders to organize your tracks. If you right click on your track (again, where you click can change this) and get the long context menu, there will be an option for "move to folder". You can create a new folder and move the track in one step. You can also right click on a blank area in the track pane and create a folder without moving a track. Other tracks can be drag-and-dropped into a folder, or moved through their right-click menus. In the console view, holding the ALT key and then holding left click on a blank spot on a track strip will allow you to move it to the left or right with the mouse.
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