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Wayne Bangert

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  1. I just down loaded the New Sonar and I noticed that the startup screen is missing the ability to show play lists. Its also missing the ability to pin projects to the list. Just look at the cakewalk startup up screen and make Sonar the same.
  2. I have been using Sonar for 20+ years. I currently use Cakewalk by Bandlab. I perform over 100 shows per year and have used Cakewalk for all performing. I downloaded the New Sonar and noticed right away that the startup screen was missing some very important features. Gone is the ability to have entry show as just text. Also the ability to show and tag play lists. This is big help when performing live. I would keep different play list here and can change sets quickly. They need to bring this back. I also think more features for live performance would be fantastic. Cakewalk is miles ahead of every one else in the lyrics department. I have tried every DAW for live performance and they do not have ability to show dynamic lyrics and chord charts. Some apps like Stage Traxx have addressed the lyrics issue but they are very weak in the tools to produce the music.
  3. Here is my story, I get to the gig Friday and Cakewalk has the new splash screen popping up. This locks out cakewalk as well as my laptop. I have to go to ALT + Ctr+delete to get to device manager to close cakewalk. So no DAW for the job. Lucky the venue had a public wifi and I logged on and restarted cakewalk. I had no idea why this happened. I thought may be a one time thing. The next day I had two gigs booked. One in the morning and one in the evening. Nether venue has public wifi. I get to the morning gig and guess what the *****ing splash screen popped up and locked up my laptop. I made a mad dash back to my house which was 10 minutes away and logged on to wifi and got cakewalk opened. I left the laptop running with cakewalk running and dove back to the gig. After the gig I was disusing the situation with a vendor who was at the gig and she has a credit card reader that requires wifi to operate. She showed me how to make a cell phone a hot spot. I used this hotspot at my evening gig and it worked. I am very disappointed in cakewalk management just dumping this problem on there users with no warning. I would guess there are others with the same issue. Now I have a second laptop that I also have cakewalk on. This laptop is always on line so I took it off line to see if the splash screen has the same issue. Yes the splash screen popped up BUT it has timer at the bottom of the splash screen that after x amount of time goes by the screen will auto close. The fact that my first laptop does not have a counter on the splash is an issue. There should be a update to fix this bomb the cakewalk has created. Studio One 6 is starting to look good to me!
  4. I big thanks to you. If you open a sonar file from within the song list you do not get access to the save as features that allow you to save to the projecyt folder. BUTT... if you open the file outside og the song list you have access to the save as function to tyhe project folder. Yea!
  5. I have made a screen hot of what I see where using save as. As you can see I have no option to direct the save to the project folder,
  6. SCOOK, Thanks for the response. What you are showing me in the video is what the older version of sonar did, The new bandlab version does not show the the bottom window that allow you to direct the save as to the desired folder. Is this a bug? Have anyone else ran into this?
  7. After doing some research on these blogs I see that the audio to project folder has been an on going issue. I would hope that bandlab would fix this problem and not worry about adding new and advanced features. This problem is an big issue for many of the sonar users.
  8. I too am having the same frustration with the save as not allowing you to place the audio in the project folder. I see no reason this was ever designed to default to a global folder. Looking for a solution.
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