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John Bradley

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Everything posted by John Bradley

  1. Thanks. To be fair, I'd never heard the song either, before the singer said "I want to do this obscure Cure song..."
  2. You’ll have to take that up with The Cure. ?
  3. A cover of Lullaby I recorded in my bedroom (in Cakewalk, natch), in collaboration with two vocalists who live thousands of miles from me. Features an extended guitar solo, because why wouldn't it? Complete with a creepy video. NOT for arachnophobes!
  4. Thorn for $20 is a bargain. It's the first synth I reach for whenever I need something huge and modern sounding.
  5. I'm pleased to present what is probably one of the top-3 covers of I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas – because unlike White Christmas, I could only find a handful of covers for this classic! And does the original (or any of the other covers) feature an extended guitar solo AND a goofy animated hippo? Of course not. I rest my case! FWIW, there's an entire 13-song Christmas album of this sort of thing here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob2wyuQqKoo&list=PLtwxdNkCVKIcvub4tOCOFVJgGGCFMp9k4
  6. You'll only see pitchwheel events in the Event List if they were recorded. But if the pitchwheel on the controller is not returning to zero, it will make whatever live (unfrozen) soft synth you have currently selected go sharp or flat. Disconnect or turn off the controller.
  7. Thanks for giving it a listen! All guitars were recorded direct and processed in-box via Blue Cat's Axiom. The vocals were recorded (dry) by the singers in their respective homes (Oklahoma and Spain) and emailed to me to glue together into a track. Melodyne Studio was crucial (as usual) in getting the vocal timings & pitches synced-up. Guitars and vocals are the only 'real' things in the mix. Drums are SSD5.5, bass is Modo Bass, piano is probably Addictive Keys Studio Grand, with other things (Kontakt, Arturia V-Collection, Spitfire's Epic Strings, etc.) providing additional instruments as neeeded.
  8. An interesting (?) cover of What Child Is This? done by me and my two singers – whom I've never actually met. Most people do What Child Is This and/or Greensleeves in 6/8, because that's how the song goes. This version is done in a funky swung 4/4, which might even cross the line into hiphop. Also there's a guitar solo, because of course there's a guitar solo. Note: There's a whole 13-song Christmas album of this sort of thing here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob2wyuQqKoo&list=PLtwxdNkCVKIcvub4tOCOFVJgGGCFMp9k4
  9. Produced a 13-song, 52 minute Christmas album, with the help of my two female singers, as well as videos (of a sort¹) for all of the tracks. Because no one wants to go to Soundcloud to listen to a track, but with a little eye-candy maybe you can get someone to briefly give it a watch. The first two tracks are 'special' in various ways for reasons that aren't relevant. The remaining 11 fit the overall theme: traditional songs (both Christian & secular) from the '60s or earlier, done mostly in a "small '50s jazz/pop combo" vibe. Piano, clean guitar(s), bass, drums, and maybe some strings or an organ. And longer guitar solos, because that's the instrument I play. It's pleasant, I think. The album: YouTube (video playlist): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob2wyuQqKoo&list=PLtwxdNkCVKIcvub4tOCOFVJgGGCFMp9k4 SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/john-bradley-298288478/sets/christmas Note: all the audio tracks on SoundCloud are freely downloadable. ¹ Most of the videos are static video loops just so you're not staring at a blank screen, but 4 of them are 'real' videos.
  10. "My name is John, and I'm a pluginaholic..." The first step is admitting you have a problem.
  11. Any influencer who tells me "no, seriously, you don't need to buy any more plugins" is a saint in my book.
  12. Thank you! A useful subforum on this site would be Plugins Anonymous, a support group where the 1000+ VST folks try to convince each other that "no, you do not need another plugin, even if it's free!" The flesh is weak, and falls to temptation all too easily. I for one still haven't seriously looked at the $200 of god-knows-what I bought during the Black Friday sales. The shame, the shame...
  13. There's not enough room to display them (it's an all-or-nothing deal). Just drag the divider between the left and right panes over to the right a bit and they should show up.
  14. I’ve experienced the same issue with my MPK49 as well. The pitch bend wheel doesn’t reliably return to zero; there’s some slight drift. Possibly because I never use it, so the pot’s gotten dirty. Whichever live (unfrozen) synth track was currently selected would be slightly out of tune. Solution is to clean the pot. Workaround is to disable pitchwheel events in Cakewalk.
  15. The multitrack editing is the must-have killer feature, and $150 is a bargain if need multitrack editing and don't have it. As they say, absolutely critical if you trying to tune/align multiple singers. And multiple guitar parts (I align my chugging metal rhythm guitars) as well. Briefly played with the Sound Editor. Mildly amusing, but found no practical use for it. Your mileage may vary.
  16. There’s so much not to look at. The blue Pac-Man eyes, the way his shoulders disappear into the background, the diseased red sausage in place of a nose, the late-stage hypothermia blue lips, that he only has 2 teeth left… but all of it centers on the gaping, unsatisfiable maw. The clashing cold yellow text, no one’s idea of a classic Christmas color, just adds to the overall ugliness. Today, they could’ve just asked one of those AI art things “draw me a Santa”, and the results would’ve been far, far better. If perhaps a little on the anime side.
  17. Santa Claus is coming... to eat your soul! Seriously, who approved this godawful nightmare of a graphic? It's about the most off-putting thing I think I've ever seen in promo email. A (human) Santa in BDSM gear would be less disturbing. Instant delete, do not want!
  18. I like Blue Cat - been using Axiom as my guitar ecosystem for the last couple years - but I think they need to come to grips with current plugin pricing. I haven't played with it yet, but I'm pretty sure Waves free StudioRack does everything MB-7 does and more. At any rate, it seems to do the big trick - individual effects chains per band.
  19. Bounce it to another track and then archive the track(s) with VSTs on them in order to free up CPU cycles. You can always un-archive and rebounce if you need to make changes to the original.
  20. Excellent! I’m not insane, merely disappointed. ?‍♂️
  21. I'm positive that in earlier versions of Nectar 3 when you adjusted the per-module wet-dry mix sliders, it would temporarily (during the drag) replace the word "Mix" with a numeric value (0-100) showing you precisely what the wet-dry mix was set at. It no longer does that - at least on my machine - with whatever the most recent update was, and I can find no mention of this anywhere. Running v3.8.0.1126.WIN64.VST3 Have I gone mad, or has this dubious bit of 'progress' been foisted on everybody?
  22. Studio, while a pricey upgrade over Editor & Advanced, is worth its weight in gold for that multitrack feature. Especially if you spend any time working with doubled vocal tracks, harmonies, etc.
  23. While the prices are surprisingly pleasant ($99 V8 to V9, $69 to buy FX3), I’m going to pass. Don’t especially need new versions of existing synths, and the only new synth I don’t have is the MS-20. And the ‘augmenteds’, but they don’t even belong in the Collection to my mind. Nice to see the MS-20 appear. Perhaps there’s hope they’ll be allowed to do an M1 in V10. (I already have both from Korg, but Arturia versions of both would be preferable.) Also disappointed that the Coldfire distortion thing isn’t in FX3. That might have gotten me to bite, even if the deal was $99 instead of $69.
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