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  1. Bristol if you can explain a little clearly. it would help me know what to do. Sorry this is pretty foreign to me about the symbolic link and mklink. Here's where Dim Pro installed the library named "Programs" C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Programs and here's where I need to point Dim Pro to my library D:\Dimension Pro\Programs\00 GP2 Are those commands CMD or Run? Thanks
  2. Mettelus can you explain what you mean by simple junction to point to my Multisamples directory on another drive I'm not able to point to my sample drive. I wonder if this is a regedit thing
  3. I'm installed it from Command Center. I opened the stand alone 64 bit first and it worked showing the version is 1.5 same thing in CbB. I plan on pointing it to my D drive where the huge library of sounds are. I think all I need to do is hide the library on my C drive and then opening Dim Pro in CbB and loading in a program from my D drive library. Does that sound ok?
  4. I tried to install, but when it got to ENGLISH I hit OK and the window closed, so it didn't install. In CbB I have Dim Pro and Dim Pro 32 bit. Dim Pro fails to open a soft synth saying it needs to be reinstalled and Dim Pro 32 bit works fine, but it shows version 1.2. Is Dim Pro 64 bit also? I know it originally DX, which only shows up in my 32 bit Platinum So I'm following the clean install of Dim Pro link to remove it and start all over, the right way. I assume with Command Center and then maybe my Platinum website account.
  5. I'm planning on installing appears to be only for Command Center. I have the huge Dim Pro library on a separate HD and will try temporarily moving the Dim Pro library files off of my C drive and then see if it will let me point to my huge library.
  6. For years I've used Rapid Media Converter for converting audio and some video files. The newer version has too much malware, so I was wondering what converter you use? I prefer doing conversion in a separate program not CbB
  7. Command Center allowed me to reinstall and now it shows up in CbB as a 32 bit plugin. When I open the synth properties view for Dimension Pro in CbB it says it's version 1.2. The latest version is and I can't find it. When I log into my Legacy Cakewalk Sonar website account, it does show Dim Pro and I downloaded it, but my old personal notes say don't use or 1.5. Not sure why or if there's a problem with it. My old Win 10 computer shows Dim Pro 32 bit version 1.5. It’s possible this is version, I suppose. In Command center under Dim Pro, it says -=--=-===-= Current version latest version This product cannot be launched directly. -=--=-=-=-==-= If you click on the link for latest version in Command Center it takes you to this page https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013416/D-Pro-1-5-5-16-Installer-Update D-Pro Installer Update Last updated on 3/18/2016 The installer for Dimension Pro available through Cakewalk Command Center has been updated to version This update does not change the functionality of Dimension Pro, only the installer's behavior to support Cakewalk Command Center. This D-Pro installer update is not required if you already have D-Pro installed. Re-installing it will simply update your status in Cakewalk Command Center to indicate you are up to date with the most recent version. -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-= I found a file I downloaded 2/14/15 named DimensionProInstall.exe. A year earlier was 04_Dimension_Pro_1_5_Setup.exe. Possibly DimensionProInstall.exe is If anyone has any more info or knows how to download, let me know. Yet after reading that article it seems like should be ok
  8. I just downloaded it and will try it tomorrow. I see Dim Pro 1.2t and Sonar 8 content listed in Control panel programs. Maybe I should uninstall that first before command center install Thanks
  9. I just got a new WIN 11 computer and am trouble getting CbB to see Dimension Pro. It shows up only as a DX synth and says it's improperly installed, so it won't open. I can see it as a DXi in plugin manager. It's OK in 32 bit Platinum as a DXi and a VSTi. Both work. IN 64 bit Platinum is shows up only as a DX synth and says it's improperly installed. Since I couldn't install it using files I downloaded years ago, like the 1.2 and 1.5, so I installed it from my Sonar 8.0 DVD. It only had the 32 bit DX and VST versions. . I then tried to update it with the 1.2 and it worked. But the 1.5 files and they didn't work, saying it needed to have 1.2 or higher. But I had 1.2 ON my WIN 10 old computer it shows up as a 32 bit VST and no DXi. It works fine Any ideas?
  10. I solved it by right clicking on shell2VST and choosing compatibility - run as Win 98
  11. I have some Wave plugins 20 years old. Years ago I was able to install it on a Win 8 computer, which upgraded to Win 10. It worked fine. with shell2VST converting the DX FX to 32 bit VST. I just got a new computer with Win 11 Pro and tried some of the compatibility settings, but that didn't work either. I assume these plugins were Win 98. Any ideas?
  12. I rerouted Cakewalk content in Preferences/Folders. Now it works - thanks
  13. I created a custom theme quite some time ago and also version of CbB were using it. Now that I have a new computer it's not showing up under Preferences. Any ideas?
  14. I'll install both Platinum 32 bit or 64 bit. I have a lot of 32 bit projects, spanning some 30 years. On rare occasions I need to revisit them and some even have the old 32 bit DX that won't open in a 64 bit program
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