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  1. Hi, I succeeded to remove this problem by uninstalling first Visual Studio 2015 (Isolated shell) and then run the Cakewalk install from BandLabAssistant. After I had uninstalled VS 2015 I did not any more get this error message (Unable to register DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3) and Cakewalk installation was completed perfectly! Seems that somehow there is conflict between Cakewalk installer and VS2015 shell? I had the VS2015 shell on my computer as I was using Atmel Studio 7.0, and Atmel Studio needs VS2015 shell to work. At the moment Atmel Studio doesn't start due to that. I haven't yet try to install VS2015 shell back to get Atmel Studio to work (I don' t need to use it at the moment). Hope that this info can help somebody with same problem. /Jouko
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