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  1. Hi, in the past I used the colour of the track TEXT to differ between Audio-Track (Orange), Plugin-Audio-Track (blue) and Midi-Track (white). With the new Sonar I am no longer able to change the color of the Track Text :o( Question: A) Is there an other way to change the color of the TEXT? B) Or alternatively is there a way to change the colour of the little icon of the Track-Type? I mean the little Icon directly left from the Track Name and NOT the Track symbol? Thanks
  2. More and more keybeds support poly-touch, for example all Hydrasynths, some Arturia, all new Waldorf, CME xkeys, all Keith McMillen, most Launchpads, all Roli, and so on. And this are the still available products. So i.m.h.o. it´s a more and more wanted feature.
  3. Kevin, You are absolutely right. That is exactly what will happen. That's why, for one thing, all midi hardware would have to have a unique identifier. In addition, all ports must be activated by Cakewalk when Cakewalk is started (including those that are active in the system and are therefore physically connected). Then you can save yourself a lot of trouble. I.M.H.O. This is how most other DAWs do it.
  4. Sorry, but I think it´s much easier, when this "bug" will be fixed, than if thousands of users will buy additional midi hardware... ? Or not?
  5. I am dealing with this problem for over 20 years and so far there is no satisfying solution. I also have over 35 different Midi-devices in my setup and cakewalk rotates ports from time to time. BUT: I think the more important problem is, that Cakewalk deactivates MIDI ports on his own. So, if You reopen a project and the device is NOT manually re-activated in the MIDI settings, THEN the ports will be exchanged (not before). So this problem will NOT take affect when You activate all necessary ports BEFORE loading a project. So far my experiences. Other DAWs activate always all available MIDI ports at startup. They have only the option to deactive selected ports so that VST plugins can directly speak to a connected hardware synthesizer. My wish: Please let Cakewalk always activate ALL available MIDI-ports automatically. AND: The problem, Sebastián described, takes also effect on the Midi-in presets. So I personally have to re-select my masterkeyboards and midi controllers every time I start Cakewalk with different connected hardware (midi ports).
  6. There are more and more synths and keys with poly aftertouch on the market. So I personally wish to edit poly aftertoch data in the pianoroll. Thanks
  7. Thanks again... I renamed the files (last version of Kontakt 5, 6 and 7), like bitflipper suggest, and put them in the same X86 respective x64 directory. And now: It works. I only have some trouble with the track templates. They always use Kontakt 7. But that´s OK for me. ? All the best
  8. Thanks a lot guys! But it´seems not to be possible to install for example Kontakt 6.2 and 6.7 at the same time. I tried different folders, but Cakewalk always show only the never version 6.7. Also renaming does not work for me.
  9. Thanks, but the other VST-Version is not shown as "excluded".
  10. Hi, I hope someone can help me: I installed several versions of a plugin (NI Kontakt 5.7 and 6.7) but I can only see and load the newer version. How can I cange that behavior? I want to see both VSTs in the list, so I can decide to load the one or the other. Many thanks in advance
  11. Many thanks, Will. I will give it a try on weekend.
  12. Hi, first many thanks for Cakewalk.. I use this software sind the 90th ;o) Actual problem: I installed the fresh update 2020.11. After installation, Cakewalk freezes any time I try to play or record. I checked all settings and did a new installation. Same problem (W10, 1909). So I recovered my system. Problem is gone... Is there a way to get the legacy installation files? Or is there another way to undo a Cakewalk update? Thanks and stay healthy Bernd
  13. Thanks a lot, but this was not my question.
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