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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. There is a strange difference between panning of a mono signal from stereo. It's not at first obvious but it is documented. If you have channel tools plugin, you could do things that way.
  2. I can't play a Rick. Too narrow. To me it wouldn't have been worth 100, so you came out ahead by 300. ?
  3. All weather thing. Sounds pretty good.
  4. You can also control selected areas with markers. Click between two markers in the ruler to select that area.
  5. Me too. It's been life long. Still hoping for improvement though. Hope probably goes with the disease.
  6. I'm missing some step. The midi files play fine in audition mode, but when I drag them to a track they are missing all the data. Duh... ? Help? It seems to be adding a heap of midi tracks with the last of the heap having the clip I'm after. Shrug. I can work with it.
  7. Try ctrl+F5 in Chrome if this happens. That will reload the page disabling your browser cache momentarily and getting the javascript files freshly. It's possible that you have files loaded prior to a code change that are then mixing with other files from after the code change and this is causing the inconsistent displays.
  8. Virus scanner scanning the drive? If your virus app is permitted to scan wave files, when you record and hit stop, you now have new files to scan. Now you start recording again and you are competing with your scanner for io. It's easy to exclude wave files from scanning.
  9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Music_Score_Library_Project Just learned about this.
  10. Dead thread back to life b/c I just bought it. I did use the deal. I had thought it through carefully when the upgrade came out and decided against it. I don't think I've used Melodyne once since then. Idk why I bought it. I might have caught some dread disease hanging out with you people.
  11. I'm an idiot. Well known truth. I rarely use it except to understand what was played. I never modify what was played really. lol And still, I couldn't resist upgrading. I feel like it's an important tool for some reason. Remember, I'm an idiot. But I am grateful for the discount price. I paid $132 USD at EveryPlugin for an upgrade from Studio 4 to Studio 5.
  12. The only things plugged into a different jack were a compressor and a pre. Off now.
  13. I could hear it through my interface. So, so i shut everything down. Still heard it... Yes i kept my headphones on. Then, i turned off the ups and unplugged it. When i heard the lightning again, I'm like. ??? Dag
  14. Use one of Craig Anderton's guitar cables with leds. https://www.guitarplayer.com/gear https://www.harmonycentral.com/forums/topic/1937639-gibson-hp-4-quottransient-suppressionquot/
  15. I'm just not a pro knob tweaker. I love using the XY mixers and the vector mixer in Rapture Pro to shift balance between the different sounds. Even after all these years, I don't spend weekends futzing with synth sounds, but I do spend weekends playing synths. Rapture Pro with a touch screen has really kept me very happy.
  16. Like i said, you can merge back to mono with channel tools at any point. Most of us don't often have any need to do that though.
  17. I have thu. I upgraded to th3 full then thu. It's a pretty ok amp sim, but i still prefer my amp.
  18. I've struggled with this myself. It used to be that comparison shopping was hard to do, but, with the web, we are very fast at it. This legal change that definitely inflates prices seems to help retailers and manufactures at the expense of the consumer. How much does this differ from the manufacturers raising prices and giving rebates to retailers based on sales like the auto dealers do? The USA retail stores definitely struggle. And in the face of the internet became the places people tried products, but stopped being where purchases were made. For a while, i would price shop and offer my local shop that chance to match the price. I don't know about what should be legal, but i can see how some legal contortions could come about to protect businesses in the face of massive change in the way people buy. In the end, will the benefit fade to nothing and the cost remain for eternity? Looks that way, as music store after music store closes its doors. So now, price fixing is legal and no one can compete with Amazon on price. So how can there be a traditional competitor? Amazon is protected by our court from competition. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leegin_Creative_Leather_Products,_Inc._v._PSKS,_Inc.
  19. Most pcs over 600 dollars should be sufficient for this list.
  20. K mutes clips. I would have suggested checking to see if you muted a clip. Glad you got it fixed.
  21. Is it racist or subversive? They knew the history when they choose the name. Cakewalk was always subversive to counterculture and benign to those in power.
  22. i'm not sure if this image is the latest, but you can see that interleave comes prior to FX, so if you have stereo FX, they will be processed after the interleave. You can you the Channel Tools to return to mono at any point, but watch for gain related to combining the two channels (should be 3dB so predictable).
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