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Steven Gerard

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Everything posted by Steven Gerard

  1. Four plus years later and I'm just learning this. I've been using a Scarlett 4i4 with my keyboard plugged into the fixed line rear inputs, 3 and 4, and was not getting enough gain. I was also thinking that the input gain in Cakewalk would boost the signal for recording. Now I discover the input gain is for increasing the gain on the recorded track. I was this close to upgrading to a new interface with 4 mic/line combo inputs to rectify this problem. (I have my v drums plugged into inputs 1 and 2). I just recorded some keyboard and turned up the input gain on the recorded track and voila! A workable gain. Light bulb exploding moment!
  2. I'm not messing with it anymore. I think the Korg driver or the editor caused my audio interface to malfunction. It was causing notes I played on the keyboard to double. I had to get Focusrite on the phone and they un-installed the interface and its drivers and reinstalled. This fixed the doubling problem. I've un-installed the Korg driver and editor and am not going near it again. I really appreciate your help. Thanks.
  3. I've tried echo on with local control off, no sound. With local control on, I hear sound with echo on or off, but no movement of meters so I can't record anything. I've tried every possible combination of inputs and outputs available, no movement of meters. I can accomplish what I want to do by using the M50's sequencer mode without the editor. At this point it's become just a challenge to see if I can get the editor to work. I've reached out to Korg but so far, they haven't been any help. There are posts all over the internet of people having problems with the editor. So it may be something that has no solution. Thanks for your input.
  4. Correct. I am hearing sound when I click on the editor's on screen keyboard but no sound from the physical M50 keyboard. And in both cases, the meters in my Sonar instrument track are not moving so I can't record.
  5. Yes. So the m50 is making sound when I use the editors on screen keyboard but not from the physical m50 when I play it.
  6. The problem isn't that it's not finding the plugin. And I'm not running it with jbridge. Still no sound from the m50.
  7. Yes to both, as they should be. I can tell you that midi and audio work as they should except for when the vst editor is introduced. I also will mention that the m50 does receive messages from the editor to change sounds, meaning i can for instance select a string instrument from the editor and the display on the m50 will show the string instrument. So there is some communication going on between the editor and the physical m50. I will hear that string sound when I click on the on screen editor keyboard but no sound from the physical m50. Neither the on screen keyboard or the physical m50 cause the Sonar track meters to move. However in standalone mode, I will hear sound from both the editor keyboard and the m50 keyboard. Just to add, as with any vst instrument, local control on the m50 is set to off, midi is set to external usb.
  8. No midi events. Yes, I understand about the audio connection and i do have the m50 connected to my interface but the way the editor is supposed to work is to create an instance of the editor then create a midi track with the m50 as input and editor as output. You would select the sound you want from the editor which will reflect in the m50. The global midi settings in the on screen editor are midi in: m50 keyboard, midi out; m50 sound.
  9. I've tried every input available including the m50, no luck. The sound could be coming from the m50 but it's not getting to Sonar as the meters aren't moving so if I try to record, I get nothing, obviously.
  10. Different instruments all function normally. I've tried every input device that's available, same result.
  11. I've tried without jbridge, not working. M50 is checked in midi devices.
  12. I've successfully installed the Korg M50 usb midi driver and M50 plugin editor. It works in standalone mode but in Sonar, the vst only produces sound from the vst keyboard, not from the physical M50 keyboard. In both cases the meters do not respond. The editor is a 32 bit plugin and I've tried wrapping it in Jbridge but with no success. The fact that it works in standalone mode makes me feel the problem is with Sonar. It doesn't work with Cbb either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  13. 1. Open one instance of the m50 plugin editor. Leave input and output default, I = none, O = master. 2. Create as many midi tracks as you'll need, one per each instrument (sound). Set the input to the m50, channel 1 for track 1, channel 2 for track 2, etc. Set output for each track to the m50 plugin editor. 3. Put the m50 in seq mode, select the instrument (sound) you want from the plugin editor for the track, and Set the midi channel in global mode on the m50. 4. Record each track, remembering to change the input in the midi track (1-16), and in global mode midi channel (1-16).
  14. Thanks. Yesterday I spent some time and got things working. Appreciate your response!
  15. I have a Korg M50 that has a vst plugin editor. I can create an instrument track and use the editor to select the bank and patch in the M50. However, I can only bring up one instance of the editor which only allows me to create one midi track. The editor manual has instructions on how to use it with different DAW's but not Cakewalk. The instructions basically have you bring up one instance of the editor and then link a midi track and an audio track to it. In this way, it is possible to have one instance of the editor and multiple midi and audio tracks. I just can't figure out how to do this in Cakewalk Sonar. If anyone has any insight into this, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
  16. I've never been asked to activate when opening Cakewalk until the last update. A big red warning came up saying NOT ACTIVATED. I was like, what is this?
  17. I used the word "if". I'm not asserting, I'm speculating. I was under the assumption that Cakewalk could continue to be used, just that it wouldn't be available for download anymore. Then I had people commenting that it was going away completely and that is why they recently started requiring online activation. So it would make sense to wonder "if". What other reason do you think they instituted online activation? I'm open to any theories.
  18. Even if you can save it, if it's going to require online activation, you're sol.
  19. Yep, that's exactly what happened. I needed to move things around to temporarily accommodate a usb sd card reader to download the latest update for my Roland td-17kvx v drums. And I did learn to power up the drums and my Korg M50 before starting up Cakewalk. Thanks for replying.
  20. When I go into preferences, midi devices, I used to see the following in inputs and ouputs: Focusrite USB-MIDI. TD-17 Now I see: 2 - Focusrite USB-MIDI. 2 - TD-17 These are my audio interface and e drums. Everything is working fine but I'm just wondering what this means. Thank you.
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