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Everything posted by Royarn

  1. OK I restored my computer to a time just before the last Cbb update and run as expected just started it several times in a row. definately seems like a problem with this release only for me. release no. 1) Roy
  2. I'll give this a try later this week, not at home for a couple of days now. Thanks
  3. Thanks Promidi for your reply, done as you suggested and uninstalled / re installed vdist, but problem remains . Universal Control for my Presonus Studio 6.8 interface is up to date. Have noticed after trying several times that the program will open if i have my Firefox browser open. OK didnt quite believe it so tried many times, so theres a work around. but never needed the browser opened previously and Ive had nearly all versions of Cakewalk since 2XL and all updates to cbb since it came into being. thanks Roy
  4. as title, I've tried the repair Microsoft redistrutable as suggested, no change. for 1 evening only cbb worked normally if I ran it as administrator, but not tonight. I'm fully up to date on windows 10, I've checked through all my driver to get updates, I've run sfc scannow, If I shut down my system and re boot cbb will start normally, but if i close cbb then re start cbb then it hangs on splash screen. not sure how to do any other fauld finding at this point. oh i did delete aud.ini and re run, still no go. Help!!!!!!!!!!! please Roy
  5. Messed around with my Internet connection and finally got the download, I did get the error when trying to update from the program though and this is the only time I've had any problems downloading either from Bandlab app or from CbB directly. Can no longer generate the error now so can't send a screen shot. Thanks for your concern Noel. Roy
  6. Cant download just getting error code (0,200) please try again later.
  7. Would love to see one in cakewalk, so useful when composing. Roy
  8. Spot on that man, Many thanks for the speedy response. Roy
  9. Cakewalk bb not finding my new Yamaha Montage Keyboard Midi Ports. Well it did for a short while but not any more. However Platinum does find them. I've rolled back, then forward again as it made no difference, done the usual delete aud.ini even swapped ttsseq.ini from Platinum, still no sign of my ports. Now lost as to what to try. HELP!!!!! Roy
  10. Thanks guys guess I'll ignore till they fix it. Roy
  11. Downloaded and installed latest 7.02 I think but it still has Update notice on it. Any ideas why. Roy
  12. Appears as you say, can confirm with disc in the drive i get same results. Same with Platinum here.
  13. Just had to check this out, DVD showing ok here, I realise this doesn't help but hopefully will tell why yours fails to show. Roy
  14. Thanks MarianoGF, I'll be checking this later. Roy
  15. Looking good so far, Big thanks to all concerned. Had to revert to Cakewalk theme as I couldnt read the words Proch in at the top of the inspector, otherwise until further experimentation I'm pleased with this version. Roy
  16. Thanks Keni, I seem to have done that without finding that information, Roy
  17. Ok sorted it, downloaded fresh copy with malware bytes turned off, installed it and working on all DAWs. Roy
  18. Anyone else experienced new Steven Slate Free version 5 Drum module crashing Cakewalk By Bandlab when loading kit. This also happens in Studio One But not in Reaper so probably a problem with ssd5. Roy They do sound good.
  19. I've been using this mic as my main mic for vocals and accoustic guitar, always been pleased with the results. There are more expensive/better ones out there but you could spend a lot to find your perfect all rounder. Roy
  20. couldnt get any type of connection, now using cakewalk generic surface i can use drum pads, but nothing with the encoders yet. Roy
  21. Anyone here managed to get one of these workink with CbB. looking for instructions Thanks Roy
  22. Thanks Scook and msmcleod put both versions on screen to check all midi stuff, and it was the MME was changed to UWP thing . Dont know how that happened certainly didnt change it deliberatley, but cant see it changing itself. Something for me to keep an eye on. Once again thanks guys, I knew youd come through. Roy
  23. Thanks guys, I'm in the UK so bedtime soon so I'll look forward to trying your ideas tomorrow. Roy
  24. Just tonight CbB stopped recognizing my Yamaha Motif ES. Same board I've used for years. This is not an update problem as it's been working with the very latest version. It doesn't show up in devices. Shows up and works in Platinum, and studio One though. The driver looks fine. I've tried deleting ttsseq.ini and aud.ini and shut down and re boot computer but no difference. Beyond that I'm at a loss as to what else to try so hopefully you my trusty friend will perform you're usual magic and come up with a solution. I did try to download the latest version but all that I get from the site is assistant, which I already have the latest version installed and running anyway. Thanks Roy.
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