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Everything posted by rocstudio

  1. Sorry it took so long to respond! This Build 124 seems to work much better! Thank you very much! Roc
  2. There are a number of plugins on the project. However, this particular track did not have any at the time of the bounce. I created this video from my phone and I started the video about 10 sec after I selected bounce to clip. The clip is about 1 minute. Obviously, total time about 1 minute 10 seconds. ? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BEtCIR_PTTTIlh7wpTps3SqHjNRTDWYy/view?usp=sharing I also saved and created the project with just the one audio track to make it small enough to get it to you. I preformed a couple bounces with just the one audio track and it still took a while to complete. First one about 1 minute 5 second. The second one about 1 minute 25 second. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xi0HZyMuRLTGczFAP2sbW_suNbxR90iJ/view?usp=sharing I hope what I gave you works for you. If not, let me know! Thanks for your support! Roc
  3. The project mega bit size is greater than the 4.88MB max amount. What is the best way to get it to you?
  4. I love this new release! I think there might be an issue with bouncing a clip. It is taking much much longer to complete. I select the clip, right click and select Bounce To Clip. Thanks
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