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Everything posted by rasure

  1. I purchased this direct from three body tech a while ago, for any one else who did please read this https://www.threebodytech.com/en/notice?id=keq_pa_cooperation we will be getting a free permanent licence to the PA version along with a free gift.
  2. rasure

    Da king is back!

    Welcome back good sir! You were truly missed ?
  3. I don't think they have got them from PreSonus yet, this is a reply I got when I contacted them about it...
  4. All up to date here here too. In fact it just freezes both in Studio One 5 and Cakewalk. Have to use task manager to quit DAW Load Opus (VST3) Load Hollywood Orchestrater Go to Scores Load any Pre-set (I loaded Dark Hero 01) Freeze
  5. New in Version 5.3 The update to Version 5.3 contains improvements and bug fixes, which is why we recommend it to all users. Moreover, Melodyne 5.3 is required for ARA integration into Pro Tools 2022.09. New features and improvements Surround: In both ARA and Transfer modes, Melodyne can now also be used for the editing of tracks in the standard surround formats. ARA in Pro Tools: Melodyne 5.3 comes with all the technical prerequisites for ARA integration into Pro Tools from Version 2022.09 upwards and thus makes a significantly improved workflow in Pro Tools possible. Preferences: When Melodyne is employed for the first time as a plug-in, it loads the set of keyboard shortcuts corresponding to the DAW you are using. Bug fixes Recording: In the stand-alone implementation of Melodyne, you can now also use a recording device with a mono input (e.g. a MacBook microphone). ARA in Cubase: When moving an ARA event to a track that is not selected, the selection in Melodyne is now retained. Pro Tools: The position of the playback cursor in Melodyne is now correctly updated even when playback is stopped. AAX in Pro Tools: When bouncing/committing, Melodyne now correctly evaluates the offline setting. The Correct Pitch macro: When the macro was applied to a very large number of notes simultaneously, Melodyne would sometimes freeze. This no longer happens. Preferences: Previously, in ARA mode, the keyboard shortcut for “Playback Selection” was erroneously listed under “Others” instead of under “Transport Bar”. This has been fixed. The Note Inspector: The input field for Sibilant Balance now reliably accepts input even when multiple tracks are being edited simultaneously. ARA in Cakewalk by Bandlab: Under certain circumstances, Melodyne would crash when loading a session. This has been fixed. Ableton Live: The cause of random crashes when Melodyne was running in Live 11.1.1 under macOS Monterey on a Mac with an M1 chip has been detected and eliminated. Note editing: The “Restore Original” commands in the Edit menu now behave more consistently in the stand-alone implementation, in the Transfer plug-in and under ARA.
  6. Included in MERCURY for those that have that bundle ?
  7. My upgrade is 199, but if I buy it from the store as a new product its 149. Not sure why that would be?
  8. I had another library that needed updating too. I used the chat widget on their site had a response and update was in my account within a minute! Pretty impressive support ? Although it does say at the bottom of the update page link that was posted in this thread "All product updates are e-mailed directly upon release, as well as available to download via your account." I wasn't notified and it wasn't in my account.
  9. Yes, a big thanks from me too. I check here every day for deals and updates ?
  10. They are indeed, I bought the SWAM Saxophones from their website a few months back.
  11. All Spectrasonics products have been updated. A few bug fixes and the addition of VST3 https://www.spectrasonics.net/news/news-content.php?id=125
  12. I have HG-2 but no discount for me, had to use the promo code and $50 voucher, even then it cost $119.99 with VAT. I feel done lol
  13. Premier youtube link starts in 24 mins at the time of this post ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VurEKhbQ2BU Edit: 5.2 is already in your account to download.
  14. Not sure why they decided it`s a leap year. Hope the 3rd code isn't on the 29th. Just saying?
  15. InfinitySphere is a patch library for Omnisphere containing rhythmic shepard tones. Created using Omnispheres internal modulation envelopes. You will require the latest version of Omnisphere 2.6 from Spectrasonics. All audio demos were recorded using note C3 at 120BPM. Results may vary depending on the sound source, note and tempo. All patches are tempo synced so just experiment for the best results. Sometimes playing patches with the same note an octave apart can yield great results, or even layer them in multi mode with other shepard tone patches with. Either way you can use them as templates to create your own personal shepard tone patches. Available Now https://www.rasure.co.uk/infinitysphere.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvXPg3mgNws
  16. I was a little disappointed at first glace of ALv5, but after watching the overview video, it`s not so bad.
  17. I just logged in, but it seems file is no longer available anyway (cakewalk.s3.amazonaws.com unexpectedly closed the connection.) was worth a try.
  18. Not sure which version you downloaded, but an updated version v2.6.2 (x86 &64) is here https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013271/EUCON-Control-Surface-Support-for-SONAR-X1
  19. Yep, same here, all preset related.
  20. It`s actually quite crazy when you think about, the amount we must have spent over the years on a bunch of 0`s and 1`s.
  21. Yep and a good time to use your $50 loyalty voucher as well, which I did ?
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