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rasure last won the day on September 22 2022

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  1. They're about equal tbh since the SLP10 release, although I find SLP10 seems to do a better job on the bass. For vocals, not a lot in it ? RipX is better over the earlier SLP9 though.
  2. Me too. I wish Eventide and Sonnox had something similar. Never get any emails about updates, literally have to login and check every product.
  3. If you need the installers they are usually saved on your PC (windows) prior to install. Mine are stored in my downloads folder "C:\Users\YourName\Downloads" Then I copy them over to my other drive.
  4. Never mind, already posted
  5. Yep, a no brainer for me ? Ooops wrong thread, I meant to post here...
  6. I used to use Kclip and Newfangled Saturate, but the past couple of months I've been using Schwabe Digital Gold Clip. Knocks other clipper out of the water IMHO. I got it when it was on offer using the rent to own option. Free 30 day trial available ? https://www.schwabedigital.com
  7. Free if you have FilterShaper 3. Download and licence file in your account :-)
  8. I have a feeling the mercury bundle will suffer with lack of new plugins being added.
  9. Initially when I updated them after the new Waves Central update and plugin updates , Studio One wouldn't load them, I had to do a complete full scan in Studio One by clicking "Remove Plug-in Settings", after that they worked fine, mine are all version 14 though ? EDIT: The only thing I noticed afterwards was my initial plugin size for waves was reset back to the default.
  10. There is a minor update today if you're not already aware ? Keyscape Patches 1.5.1c Minor release time adjustments to "Double Felt Grand" Patches
  11. I've been getting Windows virus notification the past couple of weeks with NI stuff.
  12. I did actually WUP a couple of days before, so I knew I was good for at least a year. I never had a problem with WUP, is it perfect? NO, needs to be looked at. I don't begrudge companies needing to pay staff to update software it takes time and resources, but paying over and over again for what you already have doesn't sit well, more so for those on Mac and all the updates needed of late for those people, most other companies offer these updates for free.
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