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  1. FIXED!? OMG I was suspicious of Steinberg, but since NO Steinberg was showing in device manager, I never looked in add/remove programs. (DOH!) So, after all this (life sucking hours 😫), apparently all along it was the Steinberg that somehow got installed on Dec 17 that was the problem. I uninstalled it (and the older one)... and everything seems back to normal.
  2. Current status: If I disable x32 audio driver in Device Manager, I can run Cakewalk and Sonar without problem AND Cakewalk/Sonar are using the x32 driver even though driver is disabled in Device Manager. BUT then Windows cannot use the driver because it is disabled. So I enable x32 audio driver in Device Manager for playing YouTube or Media Player, but then Cakewalk and Sonar are back to same problem (stuck in loop testing audio drivers upon launch). Looks like I am now in a one-or-the-other situation now. Used to be fine before this morning.
  3. Thank you for leading me in the right direction! Just what I needed! Just curious... When this happens, Cakewalk or Sonar seems to be trying endlessly in a loop to configure audio interface or driver, making it hard for user to intervene and address more easily. I actually found random clicks will work if you hit it just at right moment between the loops (of the looping driver configuration routine). Maybe in the future, there could be a loop count that then allows the user intervene more easily???
  4. I am uneasy deleting in RegEdit, but if I want to be brave... are you saying, (if it was your computer), you would just go for it and "right-click, delete" the folders named: Steinberg Generic Lower Latency ASIO Driver 64bit" AND Steinberg Generic Lower Latency ASIO Driver 64bit" (and presumably that also deletes their subfolders)?
  5. I turned off all Audio Drivers in Device Manager. Rebooted. Sonar (latest Beta) now asked me to set Audio driver (thankfully, instead of "Not responding") I set to x32 (all 32 channels) and Sonar (not Cakewalk) seems to be working now. However, in Cakewalk I do get further but there is a Steinberg I cannot uncheck (I never saw before). AND... it is not in Device manager. So I have more battling to try get rid of that Steinberg driver and get Cakewalk working.
  6. Nothing looks new in Audio drivers device manager I never ever installed any "ASIO4all" Vegas Pro and YouTube are using x32 driver just fine. Seems like something changed in Cakewalk, but I cannot "Open the DAW" because Cakewalk is "Not responding" on launch.
  7. Hummm... Vegas Pro and YouTube are using my x32 Audio interface driver just fine. And cakewalk was too (for years)... until this morning.
  8. I ran the "redistr installer" and still BOTH Cakewalk and Sonar (latest Beta) go "Not responding" on launch After running "redistr installer", here is what is showing (What should I remove?)
  9. My XPS17 was purchased new in July 20, 2023 Early this morning both Cakewalk by BandLab and Sonar (lastest Beta) started getting get "not responding" during launch. I have all these (sorted by date installed) but I would like confirmation of what to uninstall
  10. SOLVED: See my post at end about Steinberg in Add/Remove programs I have had Cakewalk by BandLab running for over a year on my new dell xps17 with Behringer x32 for audio interface. Today Cakewalk began getting "Not responding" on launch. I installed latest Sonar and that also is "Not responding" on launch. I do see it repeatedly flashes the audio interface configuration notification about every minute. Safe mode does same thing. Any suggestions?
  11. Yes!!!! It is nice that we can already assign a series of INPUTS to avoid that otherwise tedious task, now... just need to be able to assign a series of OUTPUTS to avoid THAT tedious task 32 track recordings made with the ubiquitous X32 Mixer has been around for many years, and for years I am always assigning 32 Outputs one-by-one whenever I decide I want to mix "outside the box".
  12. Here is the scenario: I import named wav files (32 tracks) from a client, which Sonar nicely copies the wav names into the track name field (but only when NOT using a template). When I tried using a template (with 32 outputs pre-assigned), I had to then type all the track names... which takes even longer than assigning the outputs one-by-one.
  13. I need to set the track outputs in a series: Track 1 to Output 1, Track 2 to Output 2, Track 3 to Output 3 .... Track 32 to Output 32
  14. Please add feature: "Selected OUT-put series" I use "Selected input series" feature often and I need the same feature for selecting an Output series. Try mixing outside the box (or doing "virtual soundcheck") to a 48 channel WING, and you will find clicking/selecting consecutive 48 channel output assignments one-at-a-time seems unnecessarily tedious.
  15. Please add feature: "Selected OUT-put series" I use "Selected input series" feature often and I need the same feature for selecting an Output series. Try mixing outside the box (or doing "virtual soundcheck") to a 48 channel WING, and you will find clicking/selecting consecutive 48 channel output assignments one-at-a-time seems unnecessarily tedious.
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