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  1. Hi Got a reminder to refresh and logged in to assistant and downarrow and Refresh Activation. Is there supposed to be a confirmation or something? I noticed nothing. Is there a way to see expire date or something? I am on 2020.09 and am not going to update Cakewalk now, just fix nag screen. Thanks.
  2. When I select 2 midi track and open piano roll view from View menu - I get the multiple track piano roll view. I'm sure there are other ways too. I mostly open one track only, and on top right of piano roll view there are double arrows that expand a panel to easily switch which track you are editing. If the midi is part of same destination you can select a couple and they show at the same time too. If you have clips on different tracks that have same destination you can have all visible. Rather smooth I think. Experiment with screen sets and you find a way to revert to one that is locked, so easily go back and forth. I have a vague memory there is a feature to go back to previous zoom level as well.
  3. - Select the tracks - Rightclick menu on one - Show Selected Tracks And just these two are fitted vertically But I use Screensets extensively, so save away current screen set with copy in the menu that popup when pressed the current. Some I lock also so I never change them - the current one always is updated otherwise as you go along. Then lit ExclusiveSolo on command bar, and you solo one and then solo the other without any further clicks.
  4. ..forgot one thing See to that Dim on command button is not engaged. It will make full project sound, but at a dimmed level ´set in preferences. Not sure if this can be kept from last session, just check that it is not engaged.
  5. Try solo Master channel as well - sometimes that is what you have to do. Sometimes it soloes full project doing that and override what you wanted to solo - soloing everything feeding it. Other times it seems to try and understand that you don't want to mute Master - like you can solo a track and Master is sounding. Like a built in Solo Overrride but you cannot see it. There are some things regarding solo that needs devs attention, I think. It's not consistent. I liked how StudioOne did it - when you solo - all the mute button lit where it is muted - so you get a visual if what is to sound as soloed. That's a really good approach, I think. Other things I reported are Solo Override(shift solo thingy) that behave like no other daw do for this feature. In Cakewalk it soloes as engaged, other daws just have this ready for when you are soloing something.
  6. From time to time in a session this happends to me too. Solo is a bit flaky, it seems. I can solo one track and one bus - they sound fine, then I remove solo on track - but it goes all silent instead - bus is not heard. Most of the time I need not solo Master as well, sometimes I must unsolo master. Restart Cakewalk usually works.
  7. IMO most common for CC11 is to add to velocity - so it also affects timbre of the sound. Something like a percentige added to velocity to a max of 127 on velocity of course. (CC11/127)+ velocity or something. Nordlead synths handle CC7 as gain amount on amp envelope and tells overall volume on a preset. Using high resonance settings in filter usually give volume is scaled down not to clip digitally. So gain can compensate for that, within headroom of course. Hammond use expression as pure volume, but you can select if pre- or post- amp section affecting saturation etc. But you usually don't use velocity, it's fixed, as playing organ, so used extensively compared to like a piano or something. Part of playing style of organ. In Dimension Pro you have to assign midi CC to something as I recall.
  8. I only managed to place markers at a frame for SMPTE, no fixed placement on ms what I managed to do.
  9. LarsF

    Cakewalk MIDI

    Clicking [R]-button so not lit will disable reading automation at all. There is a Sonitus plugin - disable that too for troubleshooting purposes.
  10. Yes, and it's not just about setting a number on the faders or meters - internally you have to adjust since digital has a max number limit. 12 dB that is 4 times up from 0 dBFs. So number cranking inside has to handle this. If you have a 24-bit file of samples, that peak at 0dBFs(meaning integers inside are +/- 8 miljon), and load that together with others you cannot boost that 6 dB and store again(it would be +/- 16 miljon). So some clever processing is going on how you treat it. My assumption was that it is treated as being +/- 4 miljon(down 6 dB if headroom is 6 dB), which leaves room for 6 dB boost without overs. I described what I think they do internally - and how it might affect what goes into plugins as well - which could change sound. Especially if some non-linear thing is going on. But as many stated - just having a loudness difference of 1-2 dB is enough for ears to perceive differently in frequency content. So my theory might be off regarding headroom thingy.....
  11. Hmmm....somebody correct me if I am wrong.... Whatever headroom there is I assume is adjusted for from start of a daw project. If you have +6 dB headroom, you from start adjusted down all levels 6 dB from start, or you would have nowhere to go when boosting. 0 dBFs is ceiling in the end, now adjusted to be -6 dBFs. But is plugin aware of this - I think it sense whatever comes in from clip and hits it - but in fact is 6 dB adjusted. Same if +12 dB headroom, that all numbers(or what to call levels) are adjusted down internally to fit 0 dBFs + 12 dB. This is a theory, sombody that knows chime in. I remember running Cubase, there was a remark in manual for a version about these levels and how they would be handled since sounding louder. From Cubase manual "Volume Max Allows you to specify the maximum fader level. By default, this is set to +12 dB. If you load projects that were created with Cubase versions older than 5.5, this value is set to the old default value of +6 dB." Another thing I noticed running some of Waves hardware emulating plugins is that they did not like to be hit too hard from clip, they were like hardware made to be hit with -18 dBFs peaks as I recall. I have to adjust not too hot clips, or just use Gain knob in console. If you were still well within 0 dBFs peaks was not enough. I got overs all the time and no presets were even close to work, had to turn down input level to zero just about. Sounding different, could it be here some plugins are more sensitive which levels they are hit with? In particular if emulating analog where level significantly affect what harmonics you get. Some plugin overlooked this adjustment daws make with different headroom. Correct me if I am wrong.....
  12. I could add something to Azslow3 comments about Reaper and an issue I had Reaper never convert and do sample rate conversion on import. It always just resample in realtime. And there are different resample/stretching algos for playback and rendering in Reaper. I had an issue I had reference track on another tab in Reaper that were 44k. And my project at 48k in another tab. And listening to reference track I got overs, professional bought recordings, I got overs - so it resampled to 48k in realtime. First I got 1.6 dB overs. Increasing quality to highest on playback algos resampling for this went down to 0.6 dB overs. Of course playback of professional recording in 44k so no resampling - no overs on that when I tried that. This tells a story that resampling does things to material - it is severly affected - depending a quality chosen. To save cpu Reaper usually have less quality setting for playback as default. So if to do critical compare one have to consider many things....
  13. Would you mind posting an export from each doing this in Reaper and Cakewalk? Just 15-20s or so. Which reverb is it, and assume on an effect bus so sends are used? Inserts may cause issues usually stereo and if not on stereo interleave setting. There are some plugin manager setting as well if on a mono track. And assume you use a saved VST preset from that reverb doing it in another host. Using Waves mostly, I save presets in their plugin menu so easy to use same in any daw. I have Reaper 4.7 at least(VST2 only) if I happend to have same reverb, I could try it out. Things that happends to me in Cakewalk, I forget to watch a new busses output - being defaultet to hardware outs, to get through master instead. Just a thought - one thing to check out? So when putting mix so limiter on Master is limiting I had returns from effect bus not going that route and appeared stronger due to that. Just assuming there is a natural explanation why it would sound different - whatever we might find.... There is a lengthy thread at KVR Audio how crap a guy claimed Cakewalk sound compared to Cubase, as one guy digitized vinyl at 96k/24. Looking closely into this, I found this anomaly that poster did not know about obviously, looking like a 8k boost in there suggesting wrong capacitance on RIAA amp And it was Cubase that sounded a bit muffled in my tests, will of course sound more normal if having a treble boost. (done in Sonar 8.5 32 bit I happend to have Ozone on) The guy went silent after that discovery, he overlooked something. I kind of like digging into these kind of issues. One always learn new stuff going deeping into things....
  14. From StudioOne manual "Studio One uses a -3 dB pan law for all channel panning. On stereo Channels, the panner adjusts the balance of left and right signal levels." so if setting 0dB center in Cakewalk there is the difference - on track out - on send level. There are pans on sends as well.
  15. Pan laws are applied to sends as well obviously. If you've got 3 dB difference in pan law center - it affect send too. So when comparing daws, don't compare apples and oranges. If using 3rd party, and same effects it would sound the same as well. It could be you like a stock plugin better from one daw, that is fine. Just compare in a fair way. Over the years there has been floods of threads stating that one daw sound better than the other like on KVR Audio forum. Go with what you believe - just don't confuse it with facts. One thing when starting to load plugins that can be different is how inserting mono->stereo plugins on mono tracks. These things can be different and you don't have full control in Cakewalk. Cubase and Reaper allow full control which channel goes where etc. StudioOne does not. Also setting stereo interleave or not makes a big difference with various plugins in Cakewalk. Waves have clearly stated plugin components, mono, stereo, mono->stereo etc - not on all plugins - is it a stereo component and put on mono track it can be quite different result in different daws. Various versions of StudioOne I ran handle this according to different rules it seems, v2.x filtered out stereo plugins in listing if on mono track etc. Something was changed in StudioOne v4.x regarding this - but no real control how channels are routed. So when building full project to compare daws many things may affect how it sounds. So be aware of such things - and it will sound the same with the same plugins. But I had incidents with Cakewalk Prochannels was active with no activity from me, so as said - check that out. I'd like to disable PC completely not having it happend over and over again. Having that module hidden in console may show what is active.
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