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  1. Does anyone know if the Player version has also been updated to 3.5? I want to see how the plugin performs on my system before buying. The reason I ask is that I just downloaded it and the name of the file is "BFD Player - Software & Core Library" suggesting that's it's a much older version.
  2. The current price is $59. Is that an 'intro' price (that will go back up to $199 later)?
  3. Does anyone know what DAW (or app) the guy in the above video is using? I've never seen it before.
  4. Lot's of new, very useful MIDI tools that can be used to quickly alter and assess your melodies. And the upgrade price is very generous. What a great company and product!
  5. locrian

    THU 2 available

    Gee, the new red/orange font is more difficult to read than the old one. I hope the new v2 GUI doesn't turn out to be a downgrade.
  6. locrian

    THU 2 available

    And it would also be nice to have an 'auto-fit' function that would 'wrap' all rig components into different rows so that everything fits on one screen.
  7. locrian

    THU 2 available

    I wish they'd allow us to step through the presets via a a single key-press with one hand so that we can play a note with the other to quickly find the sound we want.
  8. I wonder if it will allow us to export our work from the standalone version into a comprehensive format such that it will recreate everything we were working with rather than just the notes if we're limited to only a MIDI export.
  9. Hopefully all these new features are not going to make this a CPU hog. Version 2 consumed a fair amount of real-time and CPU resources in Cubase on my Windows laptop. Finger crossed.
  10. I'm looking forward to trying all the new Create Page stuff.
  11. Such an incredibly talented and generous company!
  12. Actually it *did* show up in my account and I only have a cheap third gen Scarlett interface that I bought years ago.
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