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  1. Have you seen Cakewalk in the Faderport v2 user manual? It is not there. Normally at that point you should extra check for compatibility. Good idea for MIDI controllers, computer components, auto accessories and everything else which potentially can be incompatible πŸ€ͺ But your controller is compatible. ------------------------------------- You have 2 options: The first is MCU and HUI modes on controller with Mackie Cakewalk surface plug-in. If you try HUI, don't forget to set corresponding option in the plug-in (and unset it otherwise). "Disable handshake" is probably also required. Not everything will work as labeled and you can't change the functionality. But till the goal is not to make "every labeled button work as labeled", that can be sufficient solution. The second is using native mode with AZ Controller: https://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,444.0.html (note I have forgot that preset when posting into this thread 4 years ago... sorry, I never had this controller and I don't remember for which controllers I or someone else have created some preset already). In this case you can modify the functionality at your wish.
  2. Control surface integrations are designed to send some MIDI depending from DAW status (f.e. to sync LEDs under transport buttons). Works not time accurate, but may be sufficient (default "delay" is up to 75ms, can be reduced to 25ms). If you can't program in C++ (using Cakewalk API), you can use AZ Controller (www.azslow.com). If you go this way, I can write an example configuration.
  3. For "Sync and Caching" / "Record latency" (appearance can be confusing): Roland is not known for low latency, but as suggested before, you can try to tune the buffer size. Use Rolands own ASIO (sometimes can be opened from Cakewalk, sometimes from system tray only, note you need to "Stop audio engine" in Cakewalk during tuning, there is an icon in the Transport module). How far you can get depends from your computer audio optimization (default BIOS/Windows settings are not audio optimized). Audio interface latency is important only for "throw the DAW" monitoring during recording. Since you record TD sound, you probably want that sound... and so you probably want to listen it during recording. And so there is no reason to route it throw the DAW (during recording). Headphone/speakers directly on TD or mixer (FR can play that role) are not influenced by interface latency. Played sounds (f.e. metronome, previously recorded tracks, etc.) and recorded material will be "at correct time" as long as interface latency is known to Cakewalk, it will compensate (ASIO reported latency is more or less correct for TD and FR). You can also mix some "not time critical" effects (like reverb) from live (drum) sound, just don't use in DAW dry sound during recording. If you want record MIDI, record it while still monitoring original TD sound. For monitoring with drum VSTi you will have to tune latency. MIDI latency is in general "gray zone", it is not reported and unclear how it is accounted. And it can be significant. Later quantized by audio buffer size, delayed by audio output latency, apart from possible "plug-in delays" (keyword PDC), the result can be disappointing. I mean that is not worse the effort in case of "self sounding" source recording. Note that the first sentence is "most people may notice extra 2ms latency under some conditions". "Natural latency" of acoustic drum set is around 1-2ms between peaces plus 1-2ms for all (sound speed is ~34cm/ms). So in practice if your e-drums have 2-4ms latency and you play with headphones, the latency will be not worse then "natural". When you change from headphones to monitors, the latency will increase by yet another 2-4ms (the distance from your head to monitors). Yet most people still do not perceive that as "disturbing". But there will be person dependent "border" after which you notice "unusual delay". And when extra 2ms cross that border, you notice that "extra 2ms". Our brain is "smart compensating" "natural" latency of the sound you listen (just imagine you can really feel 1ms latency... you will be unable comfortably listen someone who is moving more then 30cm when speaking/singing without mic). So critical is your own voice only - the distance is small and fixed (head size) and the brain knows it
  4. Yup. A25/A49 are M32 with different keys (at least originally). So the same solution should work. https://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,604.0.html In short, it provides more functions then this device provides in other DAWs. BTW that solution is easy to find, even with (degrading more and more...) Google. I had to record YouTube video to make that happened (Google almost ignore everything without related videos...). Should not take "several weeks" 😏 PS. using two identical (from computer perspective) devices without unique IDs (MIDI keyboards are such) is looking for troubles. Especially with Cakewalk, but not only with it. Replace one of it with different brand. PS.PS. If you are ready to sell these devices just because you don't get DAW integration, both in fact can be wrong choice for you. NI keyboards are primary to control KK instruments, that works (almost) independent from the DAW integration. As clearly visible from the list of usual features, NI has added generic DAW controls as a "small extra" (except for Maschine with corresponding controller).
  5. Better not... BeQuiet has made a mistake in new fans design. Even DarkPower is no longer "quite". Also they have just 5 years warrantee (my has died after 5.5 , badly, after rare occasional reboots). I have switch to "original" (BeQuiet is just a mod) FSP PSUs (cheaper, have 10 years warrantee and no bad fans so far).
  6. Unfortunately I don't know the way to copy whole Matrix content/settings between projects...
  7. Good luck 😏 And just in case you will not stop with this controller (and/or will be disappointed by it)... here are some other: NI M32/A49-61/S49-88 have good control over instrument parameters. Especially if you use NI synths (or KK aware synth). All of them have almost the same set of controls (S have display), M32 is one of the cheapest controllers available (even if you don't use its keys). Behringer XTouch Mini is in NanoKontrol price class. The primary difference is encoders instead of finite controls. So you always start tune parameters from current position, they will not "jump" to current knob position nor you need to "catch" current position by knob. While that behavior loose "hardware like feeling" you get with finite knobs, switching between instruments / DAW control changes experience from "not usable" to "usable". BTW original Mackie (the device NonoKontrol tries to imitate) has encoders and motorized sliders. With NI controllers you can also select the synth from device (well... only with S that is more or less convenient). For NI M/A and XTouch Mini there are AZ Controller presets for Cakewalk (since I have them). NI S you probably will want to use in Mackie mode. P.S. keys of NI M32 are worse I have ever played (subjective). I can controls the sound with Akai MPK Mini, but not with M32 ("AZ velocity MIDI" helps with both, but when hardware doesn't send distinguishable velocity values, software can't compensate). For fixed velocity use that is not a problem, but playing "piano" is almost impossible.
  8. From you question, it seems like you have first bought the controller and then have started to search how to use it. That order is not optimal (even so you probably have just bought the cheapest controller and you are not the first with such approach ). Almost all controllers just send MIDI messages (f.e. CCs) when you operate them. But what these MIDI messages do is up to software. In general, there are 2 approaches: send MIDI from controller to Virtual Instrument, so the same route as you send MIDI keys / pedals / wheels. In this case it is up to particular instrument to interpret these messages. Unlike with notes / pedals / wheels, most CCs meaning do is up to instrument. Some use fixed CCs to control something, so you setup that in Korg software. Some can "learn". let the DAW to interpret the messages. The result is DAW and particular mapping specific, MIDI proposals are normally completely ignored in this cases (f.e. "PitchBend" messages are used to control track volumes). In Cakewalk you have two possibilities: "learn" some DAW control, f.e. particular track volume let Control Surface plug-in do special interpretation. There are several such plug-ins, including: Mackie control. For DAW controlling. It uses fixed MIDI mapping. "ACT MIDI", "Generic Surface", AZ Controller (not stock, I have written it to escape limitations of the first two). Here you can configure what controls should do, first by "learning" midi messages from controller and then defining the action. So the mapping is not "CC -> Volume", but "CC -> knob 1" followed by "knob 1 -> volume". The first mapping stay the same during operations, while the second can change (f.e. at some point "knob1" controls volume, at other it controls VST parameter). Each way has advantages and disadvantages. Up to you to decided what you prefer.
  9. One row is assigned to one track. Different rows can be assigned to different (or the same!) tracks. So you need more then one track in case you have other reasons to have them. You can use several rows in case you want clips are played "at the same time". But if I understand correctly, your "clips" are very short and played instantly. So "mutual exclusive" nature of Matrix columns is not a problem. Just use one row / one track. With trigger resolution "Immediate" (that you probably want in any case).
  10. At least it is possible to identify "true Gibson guitar". I remember a translation from German parliament about "German faucets". One was "real" and another "fake". Produced on the same (PRC) factory, from the same materials and with the same label. The question was: how consumers can identify the "fake" 😏
  11. Studio One has attracted many users before Bandlab took the lead. People had to choose something and some was looking for something "similar". If hardware/VST2 MIDI features are not important, it is similar. With many nice goodies. And they actively add more: the latest version can work with loops without copy/pasting N times (at least that is declared in docs) 😏 Please don't think all people are payed for all exposed content. F.e. I have written a converter from Cakewalk to Studio One, but I was not payed for that. And I don' t like Studio One. πŸ€ͺ
  12. I think his issue is uncertainty what you get... With McDonalds or Apple, you know what you get and how that will taste and smell. Marketing line of Cakewalk with new Sonar is comparable with x86 devices, you don't really know what it will be. And at some point people are tired to play roulette. And when consequences of using a "black box" are not important (3 architectures changes and general technology incompatibility within 20 years, 1 year guarantee and in case something is broken after that, the device is just a door stopper), it is convenient to use.
  13. You need Control Surface plug-in in Cakewalk, with input from MIDI port of the mixer. I think Cakewalk Generic Surface can do that (https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ExternalDevices.12.html). With some luck, selecting "Play" and pressing "Learn" can learn corresponding MMC (SysEx) message. If it does, proceed with other transport buttons. If not, you can try AZ Controller (from azslow.com). Here you should be able to see which messages your mixer send (if it send something, I mean you have configured it and selected correct MIDI port). Alternatively, you can try https://www.allen-heath.com/hardware/controllers/midi-control/, with Mackie Surface. PS. I think AZ Controller presets for ZED and QU will NOT work with SQ, so if you decide to go that route you need create different preset... PS.PS. I never had any of these mixers.
  14. So, you are not the oldest Cakewalk user since the time they was producing Phonographs (under different brand) 😏 BTW (for casual readers) topic "107" does not require my software, it explains how "ACT MIDI Controller" works (features, limits, etc.). It also includes step by step tutorial how to mimic it in "AZ Controller", but that part can be skipped.
  15. ACT plug-ins (all surface plug-ins are "ACT plug-ins", it is better mention "ACT MIDI Controller" explicitly when you ask about it) work with specific banks of strips. "ACT MIDI Controller" always works with 8. But the first strip it control can be arbitrary. Which strips are currently controlled is indicated by WAI (Where I Am) color bars (left from strips in the Track view, bottom im the Console view). Right click on that place for the strip which should be the first and select "Move ACT MIDI Controller -1 here". Alternatively assign "Next track bank" ("Previous track bank") commands to buttons to move from controller itself. If you really want to understand how "ACT MIDI Controller" works, read https://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,107.0.html, but you probably don't want dig so deep 😏
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