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  1. 1. That's not true 2. It is never helpful to answer a question in a support forum with "read the *****ing manual (rtfm) or, in this case "watch this video" I'm glad that we've found the issue and I am grateful for the help! Just read the thread again, you will see what I mean.
  2. Byron you said "no offense" how about just stick to it? ?
  3. Problem solved! ? Thanks again for the support!
  4. Me too! I really hope and guess that we've found the problem. Thx again!
  5. Thank you! I really hope that you've found the problem! Shame on me if it is that simple but great to have support! Cheers Holger Will be back tomorrow and let you know if I can make this project audible again with only one simple click! ?
  6. I hope that's the answer even if it means I'm a fool ? I cannot check it now but will do it tomorrow.
  7. Yes I tried that too. Saw the system making the checks, all was fine. But the project remains to be silent. Changed all back to asio, different drivers, different Hardware, but had no success.
  8. No for all 4 questions. And I cannot record new audio in this project when I add a new track, set it to record and try to record audio. Also, I cannot reproduce this problem when I start a brandnew project. I tried all kind of drivers from WASAPI to ASIO and others and back. Tried different bit deph too. Stayed in 44.1KH mode all the time.
  9. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Check, works fine No, I worked only with audio recording Yup, sample rate, sorry! That's the point that I'll have to check! If I open another project or start a new one all is good. Thank you so much for your help!
  10. Yes Sir. What I need is any idea what could be a reason for a behaviour of Cakewalk that I never saw before. Your video tells nothing about my problem.
  11. In all other programs and cases audio works fine! The problem happens only in Cakewalk itself. I was hoping that I'm not the only one. I will check the tip with different Bit deph ASAP and come back!
  12. That could be a reason! But why is the project silent eben if I switch back to the H4N and his drivers then? Or visa versa?
  13. Thx, but I use Cakewalk since Sonar 5. Believe me I don't need a manual.
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