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Everything posted by whinnerah

  1. I've just downloaded the latest installer and still haven't got the export presets, even after starting Cakewalk when holding down Ctrl......
  2. @Blindeddie, you got me looking again. I have no Uncategorised sof soft synths but I've now noticed that all my NI VST2 synths are under "Native Instruments Gmbh" whilst Kontakt VST3 is under "Native Instruments". Now I've found it, it works without issue as you said. Thanks for the clue!
  3. I hope someone can give me a clue what's going on here. Kontakt (version 6.6) vst3 is shown as present in the Plugin Manager but is not available in Insert Synth or from the Synth Rack. Other vst3 instruments load just fine..........................
  4. I had the same problem with installing sndflie,dll as Matthew Sorrels. Thanks to his post I was able to complete the install. Thanks again!
  5. Agreed! I shall watch out for updated drivers from Korg. Thanks again.
  6. Right, thank you so much for the detailed instructions. I was able to use the Korg Kontrol Editor - great! However, in order to use the nanoKontrol Studio in CbB I had to switch the driver back to the Korg one. It;s no biggie, I can live with that, but is there something else I should have done/can do? Thanks again for the help so far!
  7. OK,this sounds good. However, I'm struggling....... I found "Korg nanoKontrol Studio" listed under Sound, video and game controllers. I selected update driver and was advised that the best driver was already installed. Where do I find the list to change to "USB Audio Device" Thanks for any help!
  8. Well done, I didn't see that statement from Korg. As you say, at least the unit now works in CbB. Hopefully an update won't be too long.
  9. Hi, Thanks very much indeed for this - I did the registry amendments and my NanoKontrol Studio works fine with CbB. However, the Korg Kontrol Editor shows the Studio as "not connected" so I can't do any edits. As far as I can see I'm running the latest version of the editor. Does it work for you?
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