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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. I didn't check for Micah's Choir before I updated the installer. In any case, after the update, Micah's Choir showed up as "Downloaded". I also downloaded the new Ambient Guitars instrument. Note that there was also an update available for Hyperpop Synths.
  2. I lied in my first post in this thread about "some day" buying an RME Fireface UCX II. I bought the Pro version of the new Sampleson CollaB3 V2 free B3 modelled organ (only $10!) this morning. And, of course, the standalone version couldn't open my PreSonus ASIO driver because Windows was using it. So, I ordered a Fireface UCX II from Thomann. It takes 3-4 days to get to me in France from Germany, so I should have it Monday or Tuesday. I'll sell my like-new PreSonus Studio 1810c to cover a bit of the cost. This will be my first multi-client ASIO driver. I'm really looking forward to it.
  3. What you are talking about is multi-client vs. single-client ASIO drivers. Most ASIO drivers are single-client, meaning that the driver can't be used by more than one app at a time. Since you've just purchased a new interface, suggesting that you replace it with one that comes with a multi-client ASIO driver likely won't be helpful. Some of the best multi-client drivers, from RME for example, come with pretty expensive interfaces. For example, the RME Babyface Pro costs just over 800 € from Thomann. The RME interface I'd like to have is the Fireface UCX II costs over 1 350 € at Thomann. Serious money. When I want to record my bass while playing along with a YouTube video, I switch Windows from my audio interface (which ties up the ASIO driver) to my cheesy laptop speakers using the internal Realtek audio and let Bitwig, Studio One, Reaper or Gig Performer use the ASIO driver. No perfect, but it works for me. One semi-related problem is if I run a standalone app that changes the settings of my ASIO driver from 48K at a 128 sample rate to 44.1K. I have Windows configured for 48K at 128, and it "loses" the ASIO driver. I then need to open the PreSonus Universal Control app and reset the interface to 48K at 128. I'm then able to route Windows audio to my Focal studio monitors via my Studio 1810c interface. One of these days, I'll buy an RME Fireface, but not today.
  4. Steinberg? No thanks. Take a look and MuseScore Studio v4. It's much improved from earlier versions with an all-new UI. And it's FREE. They have ways to monetize it, like sub'ing access to written scores, but for new personal score creation, it's free. Also, the have a download link for the app in addition to Muse Hub. To start with, I'd suggest Muse Hub. There's a lot there, plenty of it free. MuseScore Studio
  5. Awesome. Thanks for the heads-up. Didn't own this one. 19,12 € inclusive of 20% France VAT. Installing now.
  6. Includes IKM's Obie-One, $99.99 list, for free. I don't know anything about it, but it's probably another OB-X synth or a subset thereof. We shall see. EDIT: It's a Syntronik instrument which I am pretty sure I already had as part of Syntronik 2 Max. Fortunately, it was free.
  7. I take your point. They may take it down, but like the Terminator, it'll be back with a "Free for 7 days only!" offer. I also suspect that you're correct that this may be a new freebie. I don't recall seeing it before. I have the other mini-packs, but also have their big brothers, so never installed them.
  8. This tiny subset of the full Studio Session Vol 1 and Studio Session Vol 2 libraries has been and will always be free. Nothing time limited about it. Clickbait. The full libraries are currently on sale for 39 € (vs 79 € normally). REmatrix Libraries from Overloud
  9. Excellent! Please update this thread's title to show that the problem has been SOLVED.
  10. 99% the problem is with Cakewalk. I just tried the VST3 version in the latest versions of Bitwig Studio, Studio One Pro, Reaper and Gig Performer. Zero problems using any of them. You can always try repairing/reinstalling Kontakt 7 via Native Access, but I doubt that will help. There's always that 1% chance though, right?
  11. I checked both the standalone and VST3 versions of Kontakt 7. When I click on the wrench in the upper left corner of the instrument UI for the Editing window, then click on Instrument Options, I get this window. Here it is inside of the full Kontakt UI. I am able to click the different buttons in that window and close it no problem. When I click on the Snapshot button, it displays the default folder for saving snapshots for the specific instrument that I loaded. When I click on Show, it tells me that I haven't saved any snapshots for this instrument yet and asks me if I want to create the folder with the default name in the default location. I'm not sure what you're trying to do.
  12. Physical Audio just added this YT video on sidechaining audio.
  13. Downloaded and installed. Thanks! Is it possible to sort the preset banks in TH-U? I want to sort them alphabetically but can't find any way to do that short of dragging each bank into a different position in the list. At least the bank numbers adjust correctly so they're still 1-x.
  14. Purchased. Thanks for the heads-up.
  15. Aw, man. RIP, Greg. Amazon Music playlist created. Ten albums, from "Greg Kihn" to "Citizen Kihn".
  16. I left a comment on YT, but knowing now that Rob trained for opera helps me understand why he was able to retain such good articulation with well-controlled breathing and projection. Just superb!
  17. I already owned 3 of the plugins in the MEssentialFXBundle. My upgrade price for the other 7 was only 31 €!
  18. That was the feature that got me to pull out my digital wallet and buy a license! I'm a big fan of AAS's Chromaphone and wanted to see what Prep 2 could offer.
  19. Have you had a chance to try the sidechaining yet? Using an audio source to excite Prep 2 looks like it could offer some really interesting results.
  20. That was quick! I have a Mk3 S61 (my Mk2 S61 is in the Mk3 box and in storage), and didn't notice. Downloading now.
  21. 12 hours after I wrote this, I finally remembered that it's Will Robinson. ?
  22. DANGER DANGER DANGER WILL RODGERS I just read the following post on the Band in a Box forum in a thread about AI generated voices that included a couple of mentions of VocoFlex. "I purchased, received a license and then received an email directing me to a site that asked for a copy of an official government issued ID before I am able to download the product that I paid for. Since you also have payment information, this violates many US and California consumer protection laws. As you are not an agency of the US Government, State of California, an airline or one of my medical care providers, this is absolutely unacceptable. I have filled out the form at https://www.complycube.com/. The next step is to file complaints with the California Department of Consumer Affairs and my credit card company. You are not allowed to do that here." Here's the full post: Consumer privacy protection complaint re VocoFlex So, my decision to wait has been significantly reinforced.
  23. I'm not going to spend $160 on this. I bought the Synth V Pro + 4 voices bundle for a little over $450. If I don't get an extra discount for topping that up to the Synth V + 4 voices bundle + Vocoflex bundle, I'll wait for a better deal. If one never comes along? Then neeeeever mind.
  24. I, too, have plenty of high quality saturation plugins, but how could I turn down another really good one called ***, Drugs, Rock & Roll (let's see if that full name gets "cleansed") that cost only 23 €? EDIT: Yup, it got cleansed.
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