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Everything posted by JohnG
No, the Garritan libraries used to be Kontakt based some years ago but, in my understanding of some of the shortcomings of Kontakt, they decided to move to get their audio engine and sample player designed and implemented by Plogue. That's the ARIA engine. Their first commercial ARIA offering was, I believe, GPO4. This meant they were very much more in control of the GUI (controlled by XML) and also of other elements, such as tuning and temperament. It also meant that the sample player could be based on the open standard SFZ. It meant also that temperament could be user defined by simple creating a new Scala (text based) file. There are already hundreds of such files, some even with Wendy Carlos' tunings. For me that means I can rewrite the GUI should I need to, and I do sometimes want to add another controller, e.g. an ADSR envelope for a brass instrument, or modify the loop point in a sample. And it all works fine without a trace of Kontakt.
Yep ... if anybody implements it! Question. Why so few keyboards with polyphonic aftertouch? Answer. (I believe) insufficient people were prepared to pay the premium for it. I may be a grumpy old fool, correction, I Am a grumpy old fool, but I don't see much market for MIDI 2.0. I hope I'm proved wrong. But I can get all the tuning variations I need from existing MIDI 1.0 compatible products. Sufficient dynamic range, etc., etc.
Well, the standalone ARIA player can be coupled up to a MIDI keyboard in the usual way and played. One can load a MIDI file into it (16 track only) and it will do a high speed rendering of it or just play it back with the chosen sample set. The VSTi version can be loaded into CbB in multiple copies for a big orchestra. BUT, most importantly, each VST loaded can be set individually to a pre-supplied set of different A tuning and any one of thousands of Scala (.scl) files can be loaded to provide an appropriate temperament. The example has A=415Hz and the Werckmeister III temperament added. See the screen dump towards the lower RHS. I do quite a few orchestral backing tracks for singers of Bach cantatas. Any good? JohnG.
That was the original problem, it was too small to be read when I did a direct upload. Let me try again. Nope, it keeps reducing the image size. "If, at first, you don't succeed, try, try, try again." Then give up, it's no use bangin' your head against a brick wall.
Turn Your Apple Watch Into A Wearable Wireless MIDI Controller
JohnG replied to TheSteven's topic in The Coffee House
Yep, and that one even works okay on leap years. -
Thanks, can't get the BBcode right somehow.
What you need is one of these: https://cdn1.imggmi.com/uploads/2019/2/28/82ad5488a9531a5c267b6782867b5b50-full.jpg Then you won't have to rely on any much vaunted MIDI 2.0. It works from Scala (.scl) files.
Turn Your Apple Watch Into A Wearable Wireless MIDI Controller
JohnG replied to TheSteven's topic in The Coffee House
Not you too, Craig? I went out and borrowed one of these But that just wouldn't connect, let alone send or receive MIDI commands. Dunno, these ancient Greeks didn't think of everything, did they? NO MIDI sockets. -
Turn Your Apple Watch Into A Wearable Wireless MIDI Controller
JohnG replied to TheSteven's topic in The Coffee House
MY(?) Apple watch? I wasn't aware that I had an apple watch. ? Wiil it work with my regular wrist watch? -
There is no need for augmentation, she is a perfect fifth to my root.
Fascinating! My wife is a Vogel too, but a Singvogel. So often I hear her diminished to Singvöglein.
And ... Q: "And will the new interface provide parallel working so that all the notes in a chord can be sent simultaneously?" A: "What "new interface" and "no" ... Dumkopf!"
Well, that's good then. What the article fails to ask and answer, and perhaps should, is Q: "Will my current MIDI 1.0 devices all still work okay?" A: "Yep!" Q: "If I connect a MIDI 1.0 device to another device or computer running MIDI 2.0 will it still work?" A: "Yep! But only in MIDI 1.0 mode, none of the new MIDI 2.0 features will work with your MIDI 1.0 device." Q: "Aha! So MIDI 1.0 works unchanged to MIDI 1.0 and MIDI 2.0, to get the new features both ends must implement MIDI 2.0?" A: "You've got it!" Q: "Will my insert manufacturer and keyboard/EWI/guitar/etc. be upgraded to MIDI 2.0?" A: "Don't be so bl**dy lazy you ignorant fool, ask the blinkin' manufacturer! How the hell should I know?"" End.
Yes, J.S.W.A.Mach 2. ?
Came across this one last week and ordered the CD. Magic! www.youtube.com/embed/5X7a997aWeY Enjoy.
Is my laptop up to it? Cakewalk is crashing
JohnG replied to RICHARD HUTCHINS's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
My experience with an older laptop and running CbB with multiple copies of a 16 track orchestral sample player led me to believe that I needed more oomph! I've already decided not to run Win10 yet but to stick with 7 pro x64 for the forseeable future, so I looked for a used Thinkpad and managed to pick up an A grade, core i7 vPro T430 with 8GB of memory and a 1TB HDD (N.B. not the T430s.) for just 245 UK pounds. The T430 can have an mSATA SSD added which is just a PCB that plugs into a socket on the underside under a little hatch. Found a cheap 256GB Samsung one on eBay. Free AOMEI software moved Windows across. The HDD turned out to be a 5400rpm one, but I found a used HGST 1TB 7200rpm one on eBay for a low price. Found a matched pair of faster 8GB RAM so upgraded to 16GB. I'll sell the original 8GB. The screen was low res but found a high res screen for just 20 UK pounds. It has an Ultrabay where the CD/DVD normally sits. A special adapter for around 9 pounds allows another HDD to be installed. Moved the old HDD to that for backups. A brand new genuine battery completed the picture. None of it too difficult to do if you're careful. Why not another SSD? If you read the technical blurb, you should try to minimise the number of writes to an SSD as that is what will kill it in the end. Have the page file on the HDD. Operating system, programs and sample files on the SSD, page and other frequently written files plus data on the HDD. Why Lenovo? There's so much info about upgrading in forums and YouTube it makes it straightforward, plus technical documents are available direct. Now I have a really fast laptop with loads of space. Samples never loaded as quickly as now. I already have a Steinberg UR22MkII interface and that works just fine. Any help? JohnG. -
Can't you be more precise, please?
Ah! How sad. A fan of Olde Englishe wordes because I am an Olde Englishe manne. The three score years and ten hath vanished beyond the distant past horizon, the fourth year of this decade approacheth with alacrity. Therefore, with utmost certainty, the past hath passed and the future is too short. JohnG.
John K, Fear not young sir, I took no affront from your mistake. I truly trusteth thou mean'st not to offend. Moved to tears? Really? Surely not? T'was a mere passing thought, a bauble to be dangled. Then I'd better not post my verses about my time in boarding school. That had my therapist in tears. The outward scars are now all healed and he bears no trace of injustices long ago endured. For, in appearance, the man is whole, tho' aged and wrinkled, grey head balding. The soul is the part of his existence that carries the scars; the wounds still open and oft times suppurating. 'Tis the dreams that visit, in the small hours of the morn, of a tiny child, heartbroken, And of the uncaring, fearsome, savage world that now confronts him. Better man? I think not, you don't know me from Adam. But strive John, strive to reach a higher goal. I recall my father telling me, more than half a century ago, "John, aim for the stars, or even the Moon, you may at least hit the chimney pots! Don't set your target for the basement." Strive, John, strive, it makes life worth living. paulo, shouldn't your name start with a capital P? Methinks thou art a 'legless' man, and not equipt to pass critique. Indeed, John G it certainly should be but, over the years, I've somehow become diminished! JohnG.
Voyager, My sincere apologies to you, I had thought your post was in made jest, like so many others, I certainly didn't mean to offend. Please accept my apology. John K, Once again apologies for the pedantry, but ... First to the word practice or practise. The form with the penultimate "c" is the noun from of the word. The form with the "s" is the verb. E.g., "my normal practice is to take a thirty minute walk every day", but "he practises walking every day since he had the accident." So your sentence, I believe, should read "I (have) got to get back to practising ...", 'to practise' being the infinite of verbal form. Or better "I have to get back ..." Like fish and fowl, "punctation" is both the singular and plural of the word when used in the context of your post. Therefore "back to practising my English pronunciation." Lastly, please could you use JohnG. My first name is not a foreshortening of Jonathan but, as I believe yours is, John. Then, referring to the nomination of Poet Laureatship, I should, so to speak, like to throw my hat into the ring. Here is my submission, extemporised from the OP on fish(es) and fowl(s). Oh come thou fish of the Earths wide oceans, Shoal together and with sweeping fin bear me up, Let me leave the depths of my despair below and, heart leaping, seek the light and air of the new day. Fowl of the blue sky, lift me aloft on beating wings, Take me to the place of my dear hearts desire And, with plaintiff cry, rejoice in the sunlight of her love. It's pretty lame, I grant you, but it occured to me whilst sitting on the toilet defecating! It's much on a par with that emission. ... So, am I a contender too? JohnG.
Voyager, You think you've got it bad, sunshine? We've got Brexit and Theresa May! Yoga ain't gonna cure that, matey! You don't know you're alive. Sheesh! JohnG
Another couple of corrections to report, I'm afraid. Your "Your question easy to answer" should, I believe, read "Your question is easy to answer." You really must try to remember to insert verbs at the appropriate point in your diatribe. Secondly "couple corrections please" needs clarification. Which couple, or couples, are you suggesting needs correcting? Or did you mean to say "a couple of corrections if you please?" The question mark, in this case, is really quite necessary, as is the use of the preposition "of". A little courtesy, to conclude, also encourages the reader to respond. The indefinite article "a" also helps the casual reader understand the sense of what you are attempting to communicate. It saddens me to say that you seem to be moving further away, rather than closer, to any award of global poet laureat. Please try harder to write better English. JohnG.
I have falen in love with lautenwerk/lute-harpsichord
JohnG replied to Øyvind Skald's topic in The Coffee House
It's a very modern recording, done I believe, just a matter of days ago. They're just as intense today!