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Anubis aka Maito Makusu Senpai

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  1. Is there anyway to use this feature without melodyne? I've tried several times without success. I did not carry over any melodyne licence from previous versions,
  2. yes this is it! It is really fun. You can build chords easily from the PRV using that tool, like the cool kids in FL studio. ... Or you could try using a free vst plugin like Chordz https://freevsts.com/chordz/ There are multiple ways to come up with chords for non musicians like myself. Let me know if you need help,
  3. Open your PRV, enter randomn single midi notes Select all midi notes From the top menu, hit Process and then Run Cal Choose minor The software will generate minor chords
  4. No, but from the inspector you can lock to a midi scale, and it will highlight those notes in the PRV, making it easy to build chords from a scale. The other alternative would be to use a CAL script. There is one for natural minor iirc in the CAL library. You enter the root note and then run the script. It will build the chords for you.
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