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Jon White

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Everything posted by Jon White

  1. I'm baffled. I want to split a simple stereo clip or track into to mono tracks with a command. No such thing? Sure I can duplicate, pan, then bounce and make mono. But how do I then combine them into one stereo track again? Very odd this doesn't have a one-click split and one-click combine of two tracks.
  2. My system does it too. The higher the processing load, the more it does it. Promidi, I happen to use a PCI care (Lynx Two).
  3. I fixed my own issue. I had used a process explorer to stop some update stuff, and evidently it was reporting after that that I didn't have certain things updated and stopping Cake from going. My bad.
  4. I started with Cakewalk in 1988, I believe. I've had every version, and I've also tried every DAW out there. Sure, I got familiar with our stuff and all, but I'm a detail guy and have fun doing other tech. All my studio buds are stuck with, and do well with, Pro Tools, for sure, so I tried and used that on the side for years. But I'm just here to say that except for a few years of frustration with a Sonar changeup (2011-2013?, can't remember), I love Sonar/Cakewalk. I was tickled to death at the Bandlab takeover. My software has run very well all the time except for having a bit more audio stress (drouput crap) than my Sequoia and Nuendo engines. I love it. I come here and see the problems and hope they all get resolved, yet wonder why I don't have many or any of them at all. I'm still on Win 7, if that matters. I have every plugin and VSTi imaginable. They all work fine, although Massive failed to even be seen today! Love it.
  5. Whether we figure out my issue or not, I must express my gratitude for the responses I've been blessed with!
  6. Well, did a global search and found "Cakewalk.exe.xxx.dmp" files in \appdata\local\crashdumps. Odd. Anyway, it's 9.42M MB, and won't attach! The universe is killing me! Thank for the help, Noel, and your response, Promidi. Good community spirit. I started with Cakewalk in the late eighties! Jon
  7. Hi Noel and all, I looked in appdata\Roaming\Cakewalk and find no Minidumps folder. The structure under Cakewalk is simply three directories: Cakewalk Core, Library, and SONAR Platinum. Within these are no dumps. I got this from the email I received today on troubleshooting.
  8. What a privilege, Noel. Thank you. I'm sitting on Win10, afraid to lose my trusted system operational integrity while recording a bunch this month! But I may have to get over that. Should I post the dump here? With highest appreciation, Jonas
  9. Hello all. Last night my Cakewalk (latest version) started crashing upon load. "Cake Application has stopped working", right as default template loads. I updated it four days ago to latest. It ran fine dozens of times since. My coputer has undergone no changes since then. Last night I just went to do some editing and it started doing it. I'm in trouble! So I tried checking "Run as Admin" and no help. I deinstalled and reinstalled (BandLab app), no help. Now I finally checked tried Win7 Compatibility mode and it works! But everything is slower (loading files/plugins, plugin scanning). What could possibly be the issue? Thank you all! Details from report below: Jonas Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: Cakewalk.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 5e02bb3f Fault Module Name: Cakewalk.exe Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 5e02bb3f Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 00000000003ca7ef OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 32a3 Additional Information 2: 32a3eb2ac6008176cbe20397b4a7335d Additional Information 3: ed06 Additional Information 4: ed06ae7b22aa3cc61922563ca57cf485
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