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Peter Hintze

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  1. Its old, but i still can recommend it.. the Vintage Keyboard Bundle by 8Dio thats on sale now. i paid much more a few years ago.. https://8dio.com/products/studio-vintage-series-all-keyboard-bundle-for-kontakt-vst-au-aax?variant=41310046290120 Studio Suitcase 54 Piano - one of the best Rhodes out there IMO, still my go to Rhodes Studio Wurli - one of the best Wurlitzers out there IMO (Not Available Separately, only in this set), still my go to Wurli Studio Hammond Organ - sounds good, not so versatile, and quite CPU heavy Studio Electric Grand Piano - sounds good, but not so versatile Studio Clavinet - sounds good, but not so versatile
  2. yeah, the blueprint series is great! kind of the new spitfire
  3. I am still looking for new features of Kontakt 8 that justify an entirely new version.. The feature changes I see are minimal..?..
  4. does this mean its only free in June? or afterwards also?
  5. 98 € for the 3 libraries of the Studio Orchestral Bundle is good. Normally they are on sale for 45 each. I like the dry intimate sound. One of the few that are not drowned in reverb.
  6. The Help Module takes up space and when i close it is gone, but the next restart its is there again. Is there a way to turn off the Help Module permanently?? Thx
  7. Where is the Prologue/Minilogue XD successor with poly aftertouch and 16 Voices, 61 standard keys, and some analog oscillators and multiple User Oscillators/FX?
  8. I like the enthusiasm of Mr. Pianobook, but Crowhills The Vault is a bit underwhelming soundwise.. (and the install / update process not very elegant)
  9. Thank you all for responding and taking the time! 1. yes 2. i would have thought so too 3. yes, but i have not found anything other than what can be seen in the options and the GUI MIDI echo settings 1. yes and yes 2. OK 3. You still want some DW-8000 patch sysex even thought you tried it yourself now according to 5.? 4. OK 5. Thanks for testing!! One would think it is a - well not basic - but necessary MIDI functionaliy to make a VST listen to sysex from a MIDI IN or sending sysex to a MIDI OUT. It seems strange that this has never come up in the last 30 years with Cakewalk. Especially with its long history.. Reaper can do this with an easy setup.. Do you know if other DAW have this sysex capability? Peter
  10. who could know such stuff? The VST is good! But it does not sound the same: It does not have the exact same waveforms, not the same envelopes and especially not the same analog filter ..
  11. Does Cakewalk/Sonar allow VSTs to send/receive MIDI CC and System Exclusive Messages? I tried 2 hours to set Cakewalk MIDI/IN outputs, Syes Echoes, etc.., but to no avail.. My use case is the following: I have a 80s hardware synth Korg DW-8000 which responds to sysex messages . Then there is a VST called FB-7999 which emulates the Korg DW-8000 but it also can be used as Sysex Librarian and also realtime Sysex sender to the Hardware (see pic below). So i want this VST "FB-7999" to send its sysex messages when i move its sliders (an send sysex patches) and also receive sysex from the Korg DW-8000 (e.g. to import sysex patches). Reaper - which i just installed to test it out and normally don't use - can do it via simply defining a MIDI output for the same VST. Can Cakewalk do it (which i use since 1997)? Thanks, Peter ps. i found a similar question but not answer here from 2011: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Sonar-VSt-SendReceive-System-Exclusive-Messages-m2214469.aspx
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