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  1. @msmcleod I owe you a drink. I've been trying to do this for nearly 15 years, and tonight, I've got it working ! I can't thank you enough.
  2. @msmcleod Nice idea, but which button on the X32 would be the scrub button? I can program one of the soft keys with a CC code, but what would that be? Do you have a MIDI monitor (something like MIDI-OX) that you could see what CC codes are sent when you press that button?
  3. Many years ago, I also had a BCF2000, that had a button to shift to buss faders (which also swapped the X32 to buss faders), but I've long since given that away. I've looked at many sites that contain Mackie CC codes, but none have that elusive switch code.
  4. I have my control surface (X32) faders working fine on channels. Is there a way to change the surface to use the buss section instead? I can right click on the bottom of the console view, and the menu appears "Move Mackie Control - 1 here", but if I do the same on the buss section, nothing happens.
  5. I'm remastering an old album, and have all 20 tracks loaded in 1 project. I've added the relevant mastering plugins to each channel, and now want to export each track. I've tried each of the 'Tracks' based presets, but I always end up with a WAV file that is the length of the longest track. Obviously, each track is a different length, so I end up with, in some cases, minutes of silence at the end of some tracks. Is there a way to create a track WAV that is the length of the actual track?
  6. Pretty sure Sonar used to do this, probably around version 6 or 8. You did have to zoom in to a certain size for it to work, but I'm convinced I've seen it before.
  7. I always record one 'song' per cakewalk file. During recording, there may be unnecessary parts of the recording before the real start/end. I will create markers for the Start and End, but this may change during production/arranging. I don't want to delete everything outside start/end because these sections may be used at a later date, so don't want to lose them, they just aren't necessary 'at the moment'. I could be exporting the same 'selection' many many times over the course of a production, with different mixes or arrangement, but the start/end markers do not move. At the moment, every time I want to export a new mix, I have to : Select All Go to Start marker F9 (From = now) Go to End marker F10 (Thru = now) File/Export/Audio Select Preset Enter name. Export I can't just 'export audio', because that will include silence at the start and end of the track (which could be minutes at either end, depending on the track in progress). I just noticed the new 'Export' module on the tool bar, which will help with 6-9, but there doesn't appear to be a way to fix the export selection (1-5). So, that is my suggestion, a fixed exporting selection (either based on marker names, or time).
  8. I've been plagued by this Fatal Error all afternoon. I'm doing lots of duplicate track,then select followed by delete. 5 times out of 10 this crashes Cakewalk. Oh, and it's never managed to save a recovery file that can then be loaded again.
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