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  1. Hmm ... This could actually be the issue...? ? I haven't re used the same audio files tho from a project to the next. I do have ALBUM\DEMO\AUDIO ... and in the demo-folder I have saved at least 25 songs sharing the same audio folder. Instead of using a template I have just used Save as... from an existing song when starting working on a new one. Still, each project file should just look downwards, not minding what I renamed the ALBUM-folder?
  2. Hi everyone. Been a long time Sonar and CbB user. I have a question maybe someone can sort out, concerning the file structure for projects and their content. It seems the project file does not read from its position and downwards, but from the root and down? Has it always been like this? I have had this causing issues at some points lately when moving a project disk to a new computer (labeled D instead of E) or when copying projects from one computer to another. Lately I changed the folder name for a specific album and as soon as I opened any of the songs in it, the audio files couldn't be found. Took me a while to figure out that it could be solved by just re-naming the album folder back. I always put the relating audio files folder IN the song's folder. So my question is, is there a setting somewhere that could change from tree/global positioning of the files, to just looking downwards from the project file itself? (i e "..\audio" instead of "E:\projekt\artist\album\song\audio")
  3. Did the update and activation worked as it should. Now as soon as I try to record anything, I get error, Unable to save recording. The audio disk may be full. And no, the disk is far from full, and I´ve tried to change location to different disks. Never had this problem before this update. It appears at different incoherent timestamps. Sometimes after 15 sec, somtimes after several minutes. Have increased the buffer size to max - no change.
  4. OK, now I get what you meant Yes, it would require reconfiguration of code and graphics maybe. The time has come ... Maybe it didn't need to have two setups to choose from, if the one meter available was revamped. IMO Nugens Visualizer have a really good peak/rms meter, with also the ability to K-scale and others. (at the bottom, although lying down)
  5. I second what OP wrote. There is quite good space available on the console beside the fader to make the meter a lot bigger and more detailed. And the suggestion to make it pop out even bigger or be able to dock a real big meter of the chosen channel would be great when recording. I would also really like to easily (not using any theme editor) set values where the meter changes colors, so you easily see where the signal resides.
  6. Hi! Something I've wanted in CW/Sonar for a long long time is the ability to arrange and re-arrange parts of a song in an easy way by using what Reaper calls regions (not the same as regions in CW), or some kind of playlist where you can move around verse, chorus, bridge and other parts of the song witout needing to copy, cut and paste individual tracks. Studio One also have this feature, and also Cubase? Reason too I think? It is a very nifty tool when writing and arranging a songs basic structure. Some early sequncers had a pattern based way of building songs, and even if that may explain the feature I'm looking for, it is important that you can work in a linear mode at the same time. EDIT: SO happy this feature now is a part of Cakewalk! great job! Oh! And one thing that would be great is to be able to start a song from bar 0.0.0 as a count-in section. Thanks!
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