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Nigel Mackay

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  1. Nigel Mackay

    about a TH3

    You could try asking in the Instruments & Effects section.
  2. You do realise that CbB will no longer have "updates", only bug fixes?
  3. As a matter of interest, what was your project folder?
  4. And when you have free time go to YouTube and watch Creative Sauce videos about Cakewalk. Never mind their age.
  5. Decent Sampler is a sampler. You load it as an instrument and use it to play samples recorded in the decent format. You load Soundpaint as an instrument. Select which sound you want and play it. Why you think they are DAWs is because they can be used in standalone mode. You connect a keyboard, select a sound and play a tune. But you cannot for example load Keyzone Classic into them. You cannot use them to mix multi-instrument music with them.
  6. In the Browser, the Plugins button gives you these options: Sort by category, Sort by Manufacturer, Sort by Type. This gives you options for sorting plugins when choosing one. But you can also create your own sort orders. These are called Layouts. I have one for instruments, with entries Drums, Basses Acoustic, Basses Electric, Strings Violin, Strings, Violas, etc. I named this My Instruments. I have another called My FX, with Entries Phasor, Compressor LA2A, Compressor1176, etc. These then appear as optional Layouts. You don't have much yet, but to get you started, click on Plugins -=> Mange layouts. This takes you to the Plugins Utility. Top right click on New. Nothing visible happens. In the middle section Click on New Folder. Rename it Strings. Click on it to select it and type New Folder. Rename it Section. With Section selected in the left pane select VSTi. In the middle pane select SI-String Section. In the middle click on Add Plugin. SI-String Section appears in The Section folder. Ditto for Basses, with Electric and Acoustic as sub folders. Add the SI-Bass Guitar to both, because it has electric and acoustic presets. Top right click Save and choose My Instruments as the file name. Back in the Browser click Instruments and then Plugins. Select My Instruments as your default. You will see your newly created list appear, so you cam choos whar you want on your own terms. Go back and do the other instruments in the same way. Doesn't matter what names you choose, it can be changed any time. Just make sure you do all the instruments - VSTi, VST3i, DirectX. (TTS-1 is a sampler, GroovePlayer is exactly that.) After a few months, when you have learned some things, you can create My FX and do all your FX. As to learning, go to YouTube and search for Creative Sauce. Watch all his videos about getting started with Cakewalk. Never mind how old they are. And watch lots and lots of them.
  7. Go to Utilities -> Cakewalk Plugin Manager. In the left-hand pane click on the bottom row, Control Surfaces. Those plugins are just there for Cakewalk to use if you plug a control surface in. You can't access them as a plugin. There's a bit more stuff like that. They all count towards the 57 total. The 24 you can access is all that you can access. (Until you add more.) Don't worry, you are not being short-changed.
  8. I have 12 cores. All 12 used with or without load balancing. My load is only enough to rise by 1 unit, but all 12 twinkle on and off, so all are being used. This is reflected in Resource Monitor.
  9. I have tried similar, but it is not easy. With this particular example you can delete the top instrument, except for notes that both play. That just leaves a few to delete manually. And ditto for the bottom octave. And in future don't put 2 instruments on the same track in the notation software With CAL the track can be scanned and if there are 2 notes the top(bottom) one can be deleted. But they would have to start at the exact same time. Down to ticks.
  10. Nigel Mackay

    View Main Output

    That left hand pane is the Inspector pane. It gives details of the selected track.
  11. This is Cakewalk Sonar you have the problem with. CakewalkByBandlab is a different app. Try asking for help in the Sonar Section.
  12. You should create your own thread and nit hijack a 5-year-old thread. Did you download and use Cakewalk Product Center to install Cakewalk?
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