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  1. WA 44 & WA 19 - & new mic pre..... https://warmaudio.com/
  2. Aw shucks - same here too. I tried to purchase a single plug and added the purchase code during checkout but the price remained the same. I tried the bundle too and again the same full price. After a few tries, the purchase code was rejected. Maybe someone is trying to tell me to stop buying all these plugins :-) They did give me a an automatic 30% discount during checkout since I own some other Focusrite HW and SW.
  3. Sweetwater has it for $53 https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/VocAlignPrj5UpR4--synchro-arts-vocalign-project-5-upgrade-from-revoice-pro-4 Opps - sorry that is for upgrade to project not pro - sorry!
  4. Another sort of "subscription" option for the upgrade (not the cheapest - $150) is with Sweetwater - $5 per month for 36 months interest free (don't forget to add tax). Cross grades are about $9 per month. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/S1v6PupP--presonus-studio-one-6-professional-upgrade-from-professional-producer-all-previous-versions
  5. hbarton


    FYI - just noticed MF SDOTD is the MXL V250 FET mic for $59 (reg $199). https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid?icid=210190
  6. FYI... Warm Audio is has released two new clones: the Neumann 47 FET and the AKG C12 - will be available in July. Available preorder from Sweetwater for $799 for the WA-47F and $999 for the WA-CX12. More info on the Warm Audio website - https://warmaudio.com
  7. ....or maybeeee an Alexa interface with Eric's voice???? me - oh Eric fetch me a banjo sound with a waterfall background... Eric - comming right up, but first let me demo our new worlly gig...
  8. Guess Teac is the wings - or Otari ??? Sony??? Wolensak ??? Concertone ???
  9. Not sure if CbB has this, but Studio One Pro ranks high for me too due to the Project Page. My workflow involves adding ruff song ideas onto the timeline and then jumping back into each song to develope it. It helps me get a better flow of where the songs are going and cleaner transistions between them. The one button "remaster" makes it like having an assistant to make sure you have everything updated on the timeline after a number of hours jumping around from song to song.
  10. FWIW.... I purchased Spectrum 2 and it seems worth this price but I found a few querks. You seem to have to manually open the track selection area (slide it to the left) when you open the GUI otherwise you can't select different tracks. It would also be nice if it pulled in the track names from the DAW, but it does not. The biggest thing I found was the licensing limitations (here is an email I got after installation): Dear xxx, Your license of Spectrum 2 has been permanently locked to (xxxxPC). You now no longer need internet access to use Spectrum 2, but the license can no longer be transferred to another machine. If you did not issue the lock and believe this is an error, please contact us via: https://schulz.audio/support/contact/ have a nice day, -- Benjamin Schulz Benjamin Schulz, Schulenburgring 128, 12101 Berlin Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 296473448
  11. FYI I saw a update on another site that the owner Eric? said they were aware and sorry about the problems - they hoped to have things up and running today, but I guess they ran into more problems. I had some "bucks" available from other purchases at Best Service and managed to pick up the SO Pro upgrade for $122 from them. Got the serial in a minute and no probs - installing it now. h
  12. Funny how they never reveal the speed on these, yet on raw drives it is always shown.....
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