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Everything posted by CJP

  1. Has the Zoom glitch been fixed in the latest Sonar release?
  2. This has also happened to me. This same problem happened before in Cakewalk By Bandlab and was fixed in an update (2020.08). See post "Obnoxious bug with zoom control" April 1st 2020. When this happens, you can sometimes force Sonar to reset in the task manager by creating a Dump File from the Cakewalk Sonar process. You can then save your work or carry on (until it happens again). Then delete the Dump File in the Temp dir. Hopefully the problem is similar to that in CBB and can be fixed the same way.
  3. Thank you for your response. I removed all Region FX items leaving VocalSync (which is at the top of the list) and Drum Replacer (which is in the lower section of the list). I reinstalled five Region FX effects and all were displayed in the lower section of the list and all work correctly. The lower section of the list had six items in it. When I installed another Region FX effect one of the previously displayed effects was no longer shown in the list, as the list displays only six items. When I uninstalled the Region FX effect I last added, the missing effect appears back in the list. It appears the Region FX list can only display up to six items. I will contact support.
  4. It looks like the Region FX list only displays up to six items, other than VocalSync? If there are more than six Region FX effects, how do you access the effects that are not displayed in the list?
  5. CJP

    Region FX

    Does the Region FX list only display up to six items, other than VocalSync? If there are more than six Region FX effects, how do you access the effects that are not displayed in the list?
  6. Thank you Mark, very much appreciated.
  7. I could do with some help when applying a tempo map to a project that already contains audio tracks with automation. The audio tracks were originally recorded live (30 years ago) onto multitrack tape and I have imported them into Cakewalk. I set the project tempo to the approximate tempo of the song. I cleaned up the audio tracks and have automation envelopes on the audio tracks. I then created a tempo map using the audio to tempo extraction. The audio tracks all align with the created tempo track but the automation envelopes did not stay aligned with the audio, they have moved out of sync with the audio. I must be doing something wrong. Any help with this would be most appreciated. Colin
  8. Yes, it looks like this is fixed. Fantastic! Brilliant! Thank you very much. Cakewalk is awesome!
  9. I've had this happen as well. To free up Cakewalk without having to End Task it and lose your work, you can Ctrl+Alt+Delete to Task Manager, right click on the Cakewalk Application and attempt to create a dump file. As the dump file is created it will halt Cakewalk from continuously running and you'll be able to zoom back out and carry on working. You may have to make a dump file more than once to force Cakewalk to stop. Just remember to delete the dump files if you have to do this a few times as they can take up a lot of space.
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