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Brian Walton

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  1. It has quite a few sounds built in. Even a small sample library of a single instrument is going to be that size or larger these days. I would suggest posting the keyboard binding concept in the Scaler forum. Seems like an oversight in the stand alone app if it wasn't included.
  2. VR Pro 2 was released literally a year ago, hardly a long in the tooth offer. VSTs can run properly for decades as long as it wasn't encoded with bugs not needing a single update.
  3. Interesting, I did assume it was the old version due to timing of the initial offer. I've used it a fair bit over the years as a quick fix. Haven't tried the new version to see if it is more than an aesthetic face lift.
  4. Bumping a 7 month old thread, perhaps it was limited in nature?
  5. I haven't really tested it enough to say. Have other things that have some EQ matching functionally but never use them. At least this one looks more straightforward potentially. I do think seeing and comparing the equipment EQ on my own guitars in there and even comparing the pickup profile in the same guitar is interesting. So if you did a ton of them as well, maybe install it to check that out. That said if you have complete and haven't even installed Turbo reverb, I'd say you are missing out there potentially.
  6. Here is another tidbit of info I determined myself. The Guitar EQs are from that massive "send us your guitar recordings" project. There are enough very specific guitars that I submitted in there to be 100% sure this is the case that was a major source of them.
  7. The ToneX marketing has been eye opening into the model they have started to choose. Send influencers free stuff, that creates buzz, give them early access to more tonex related releases (software, hardware, and packs), now the product is in front of millions of potential customers many times even before something hit the shelves. As someone who has created more captures than many of these influencers, it is a little annoying. But certainly a smart business move instead of investing a ton of money in marketing concepts that don't see a ROI. I'd like for IKMto send me one of the Cabs so I could do a video comparing a Trainwreck capture through the ToneX cab with an A/B comparison in the room vs the Real Trainwreck Amp into the Ampeg 4x12 with pre-rolla 30s in it that Ken Fischer hand selected the amp to be played through. If that ToneX capture and Cab can keep up and compare favorably to that - it would be truly something.
  8. I wouldn't profile the GT8 as the amp sounds won't be as good what you get with 3rd party profiles. The unit does not profile effects so you would have to dial in the built in. Reverb, modulations, delays manually anyway. I did model an Ethos pedal that was my previous go to FOH solution. It did a great job of that, but once I got a great Two-rock and Dumble clean capture that took it up a notch and thus my original became obsolete. I think you would experience the same related to the GT8 but it may take some searching and setup work. Kemper and QC don't offer better sound quality related to the amp capture tech even though they are more expensive. They do have more effect types though.
  9. Also, the software used is the Tonex software itself and then also the software for your audio interface to route audio depending on the inputs and outputs needed. The process doesn't need a DAW or anything like that.
  10. I haven't done it myself (as I have a normal re-amp option) but at your own risk here is another option I've seen posted I've also seen using a DI with some adapters, but I couldn't find the post/video about it quickly.
  11. I've made hundreds of captures. If you have one of the IK interfaces with a DI out it is easy though you need a very good graphics card to do advanced captures in a somewhat reasonable time. That capture unit isn't necessary but is helpful for DI captures without a mic and blasting your amp. It is possible to also capture using any reamp box or even a DI with special cables and setup but that does complicate the process. That said, what gear do you have access to that someone else hasn't captured or sounds and feels unique enough that you would use it over someone else's pro capture? My situation is unusual as what drew me to it in the first place is access to arguably the greatest amp ever made, which very few have seen or heard let alone played. So my interest was in capturing that and being able to get that sound at any volume and not have to put wear on the NOS tubes that would cost over $2.5k to replace.
  12. ODS collection is good. But got that registering my 2nd pedal a while back. Metal Gems was a previous giveaway elsewhere Don't have the pedal one but honestly I have more boutique stuff in physical gear (and have profiled some of it) so was hoping for the Mesa or Satch signatures to register a 3rd pedal. 😁
  13. Racks 6 is quite new and therefore MAX comes with all the T-Racks modules.
  14. yes hope it comes through, they also changed the price probably a few minutes after your order. It was right about that time they updated the website.
  15. I checked out as a guest and it arrived in 22 minutes. FWIW
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