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Flavio Cangialosi

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Everything posted by Flavio Cangialosi

  1. Hi! Flavio from Xperimenta here. I'm happy to announce the release of our new library PREPARATO Guitar, the third of the Preparato Series. Key Features: - Acoustic, Nylon, and Electric Guitar, recorded with up to 10 Dynamics and 4 Round Robins. - 32 Unique Articulations (including standard, prepared, bow, and effects) - New AcMo Engine, with 3 assignable Arpeggiators, Digital Reverb and many new features. - 4 Layers with Dedicated Controls (LP, HP, Distortion, Sample Start, ADSR, Width, Tone, Octaver, CC, Modulations...) - 3 Arpeggiator + Step Arpeggiator, assignable to 15 parameters (including filters, layers, sends, distortion...) - CC Assignments with Range Control for each layer - Modulation: 3 LFO + 2 Step Sequencer - up to 128 Steps - Space and Insert Effects, (Digital Reverb, Convolution, Delay), +50 Convolution Impulses; Tape, compression, chorus, ecc. +200 Presets with both Organic and Hybrid Approach INTRO PRICE 69,99$ (reg. 99,-$) SPECIAL PROMO: BUY NOW AND GET A 20$ COUPON TO USE ON BLACK FRIDAY SALES https://www.xperimentaproject.com/preparato-guitar/ Trailer: INTRO PRICE 69,99$ (reg. 99,-$) SPECIAL PROMO: BUY NOW AND GET A 20$ COUPON TO USE ON BLACK FRIDAY SALES https://www.xperimentaproject.com/preparato-guitar/
  2. XPERIMENTA Is proud to present... PREPARATO Chapter 2 - Double Bass A unique library of an handcrafted Double Bass, recorded with 24 techniques, including Sustain, Pizzicato, Spatula, EBow, Foil, Dogbrush, Mallets, Brushes, etc. https://www.xperimentaproject.com/preparato-double-bass/ > PREPARATO is not just an inspiring library; thanks to the new version of the “Acoustic Modular Instrument” engine based on a multi-layering system, PREPARATO allows you to have incredible control over the acoustic source, with endless possibilities of combination. Preparato Double Bass includes +200 factory presets made by the best sound designer and composers in the field. Intro offer: 99$ + a 15% gift code for your next product (until 24/05) https://www.xperimentaproject.com/preparato-double-bass/
  3. XPERIMENTA is proud to present a collection of unreleased instruments, in a free collection. After the joke of the 1st of April, we decided to make it real and to gift to everyone these instruments, so this is not a joke :) MINIMA is a library for Kontakt that includes a variety of instruments, that can help musicians around the world to express their creativity. 14 INSTRUMENTS: - C3 Rehersal Piano - 5 Pads made from hardware synths and organic sources - A. Guitar, E. Guitar, Harmonics - Carillon, Glockenspiel, Glasses DOWNLOAD NOW FOR FREE https://www.xperimentaproject.com/minima DOWNLOAD NOW FOR FREE https://www.xperimentaproject.com/minima
  4. Thank you, I've fixed it! Actually it is a release more than a deal
  5. XPERIMENTA Project is excited to announce the release of PREPARATO FREE EDITION ! For Kontakt Full 5.8 or higher Download now: https://www.xperimentaproject.com/preparato-piano-free/ A big gift from Xperimenta Project! ?? - Preparato Piano Free contains two techniques (brushes and tremolo) working a limited version of the Acoustic Modular Instrument engine. - Preparato Piano FULL is an inspiring library of a prepared piano in an advanced engine, with more than 12 techniques, available at a crazy discounted: 89$ instead of 149$. Read more at: https://www.xperimentaproject.com/preparato-piano
  6. OUT NOW: La Fisarmonica by XPERIMENTA Project https://www.xperimentaproject.com/la-fisarmonica/ We are proud to release "La Fisarmonica", a deep-sampled accordion. From an Italian handcrafted Accordion, "La Fisarmonica" features separated samples for buttons and keyboards, up to 7 registers, "bellow simulation" and other features that make the instrument realistic and highly dynamic. XPERIMENTA La Fisarmonica was recorded in a 105mq recording studio in the Sibelius Academy Music Technology department, using only top-end gear and a lot of passion. INTRO PRICE: 49$/49€ (reg. 59) Read more > A screen of the instrument: Demo: Read more >
  7. OUT NOW: XPERIMENTA KANTELE We are really excited to release XPERIMENTA Kantele, a sampled library of three beautiful Kanteles (including the Concerto Kantele) played by the finnish musician and artist Emma Lomy and recorded in Sibelius Academy Studios (Helsinki). INTRO PRICE 49$ (reg. 69$). Read more > Walkthrough: The kantele is the national instrument of Finland, and it belongs to a large family of string instruments called "zithers". Read more about this wonderful instrument here. “Finnish folk poetry recounts that the first kantele was made from the jaw bones of fish and the hair of young maidens. When the first kantele was played, the sound was so beautiful that all living things started to cry. Their tears rolled into the ocean, and when they touched the sea they turned into beautiful blue pearls.” XPERIMENTA Kantele comes with 3 Kantele, 40 presets and 7 Creative Layers, including piano, harmonics, psaltery, model d pad, guitar and more. Features: 3 Kanteles: Concerto, Round-Ended and Small. 3 Microphone Settings + Mix Extend your possibilities with 7 Creative layers (piano, harmonics, psaltery, pad, etc.) Ethereal and smooth sound 4 Dynamics with Round Robin Smart ADSR (Shape) and Tone Control Website: https://www.xperimentaproject.com/kantele-2/
  8. Yes, the custom presets are saved into the "User" folder. You will need to close and open the instrument again to view them in the browser. On a single session, you can recall the presets you saved from the "last saved" menu. TODAY is the LAST day of intro price! 99$ (instead of 149$) https://www.xperimentaproject.com/preparato-piano/
  9. Here's Flavio from XPERIMENTA Thank you for your post! PREPARATO is not just a prepared library, because it works with a multi-layer system, called "Acoustic Modular Instrument", that allows you to create hybrid sounds. This is the official teaser! Soundtrack 100% Preparato
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