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Everything posted by Toffo

  1. Toffo

    PA Sub to Own

    While I’m not gonna go for it as I don’t wanna spend the $250, this looks like a pretty darn good deal to me. This is really what subscription services should be. This does away with the feeling of “once my sub ends I have nothing to show for it” which stops me looking at sub services.
  2. Brilliant, thanks for the update on the $5 update guys! Edit: Confirmed as well that this works, bought from APD, redeemed serial on FP site, bought Mirage version for $5 on FP site.
  3. The only thing is in Larry's post it says this: Emphasis mine. So based on that it might not work.
  4. I’m not buying from PA at the moment, there’s nothing that catches my eye. Still, the PA “hate” is really interesting. These prices are pretty similar to the old Waves $29 baseline, and there’s no WUP to deal with. I think they’ve shot themselves in the foot with their back and forth with different deals, sometimes giving vouchers and sometimes not, the subscription pushing and now the minimum purchase amounts on the vouchers. But strip that away and you’ve got good plugins at prices not dissimilar to Waves, and without the WUP and Waveshell hassles many people complain about. I wonder what PA will try next?
  5. Yep, temps have been brutal in Australia so far this summer and bushfires worse than they have for a long time.
  6. Would be nice if they fixed some bugs in other plugins first. SSD5 has a bug in Reaper around dragging midi items. It’s been months and still no fix, but of course it’s always “coming soon!”
  7. Big BF for me: • Neural DSP Plini, Nolly and Abasi (thanks Zo!) • Melodyne Essential and Assistant • Nembrini MRH810 • Soundtoys bundle (upgrade) • Rigid Audio Limerence • Synthmaster Player + some expansions • Some OddGrooves drum loops • iZotope Ozone 8 Standard • iZotope Total Balance Bundle • Scaler Probably a couple of others too. Plus a new guitar and a new computer on the way. My i5 3570k is starting to show its age. These plugins are ones many other people would already have but I didn’t. Actually it was painful typing that out and thinking of how much money would be tied up in this!
  8. Why do they do this? Marketing! One of the biggest objections to subscriptions is 'I pay all that money and when I unsubscribe I end up with nothing.' Well this gets rid of that objection. I'd love to see more companies do this. Or even better, subscribe for however long you want and whatever money you've invested in the subscription goes to store credit you can use to buy plugins. As for the $149.99 $149.99, I have no idea
  9. Looks like we’re one short of 14
  10. Hey so, confirming Nolly, Plini and Abasi! Thanks so much for doing this. I have PayPal and can hit you up whenever you need the money. Before the order goes through obviously.
  11. Hey Zo, long time lurker, first time poster. Offer is too good to pass up if you're doing a second round. I'd like to grab all 3 Archetypes (you only live once lol) I think The King's influence has finally rubbed off on me haha This Black Friday has been too good.
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